
  1. Cincomma

    Wildcat a4

    A badlands-themed 2cp attack/defense map by Cin and Mâché. slaps map you wouldn't believe how much oil you could fit in this bad boy Pride Signs by Cincomma sky_triage by Void
  2. Chromsmith

    72hr Jam 2024 Brothers being Brothers 2024-12-15

    15/12/2024 Drawn for the 72hr Jam 2024
  3. yee haw

    koth_deadlands_b4 b4

    Welcome to Deadlands, where all your murdorus dreams come true! We made sure that you have a great time shooting up the place and don't have to worry about the pesky law enforcement ruining your fun. Mann co is not responsible for any mutations or bodily harm from toxic waste, and any...
  4. Seacat08

    Marino RC1

    ------------------------------------- Marino is an Arena map that takes place in and around a mine in the middle of the Badlands. It goes for a Gravelpit style artpass with an interesting layout that provides lots of varying elevation and cover. As well as a gimmick that can dictate how you play...
  5. Kosthov

    downhill Koth_Downhill alpha 1.5

    after months of research and work redmond finally got his new base up and running far away from his brother and group of mercenaries, only to find out his brother somehow found the location of his new base and out of spite built himself a base right in front of red's base, now the mercs of both...
  6. ArtZ

    Reactive a3

    Reactive is a control king map, meaning you must hold the central control point until your team's timer runs out or capture all control points to win. Other control king maps are structured like king of the hill maps, so I tried creating one designed more like a 3CP map.
  7. Sae35™

    Badlands Redux Props 1.1

    A collection of improved models from the unused Badlands props. Intended to add more props later on, but currently has a decent amount props in it (20). Let me know if there are any problems with it. Includes a readme as well as a prop zoo to showcase these maps (It's not very complex), enjoy...
  8. spruce

    Dachsnel A4

    Small linear 3 Points A/D Conceived and released in under 16 hours Map signature: "One of our employees ordered five times more arrow signs than necessary" Number of times last has been reworked: [2] Notes: The map might be chokier than it needs to be Changed All buildings were made first...
  9. Yrr

    Generic Smissmas/Winter signs 2022-11-05

    Generic smissmas/winter versions of various signs from Badlands May update this download with more if people have suggestions for more signs sign_smissmas001 - "Snow Plow" variant of Zippy Plow sign sign_smissmas002 - "Red Peaks Mountaineering" variant of Red Valley Mining sign sign_smissmas003...
  10. Linxy

    Particles appearing in 3D skybox when it's not supposed to.

    I'm working on a halloween version of badlands (koth) for me and a friend, and I added the hammer_souls_rising particle about 460 units above the capture point, but for some reason they also appear off in the distance where the 3D skybox is placed outside the map. I tried raising the skybox in...
  11. Ismaciodismorphus

    sky_badlands_easter 12/3/2021

    Extract contents into your tf/custom folder Fixed version of sky_badlands_pyrolands intended for an easter themed map Skybox name is sky_badlands_easter
  12. Sonoma

    Instagib: Badlands a2

    Arena Badlands converted to the new Instagib gamemode by Le Codex Instagib Prefab |
  13. G

    koth_mannshack v2

    A small king of the hill map (24 player maximum). This is my second map, so I tried to add a lot more thing than the previous one.
  14. HelloThere

    mvm_koth_badlands B1

    After nearly a year of hiatus, I'm finally back as promised! After constantly on and off developing many MVM conversions of different gamemodes, I believe I've finally achieved a somewhat stable, yet extremely difficult Mann Vs Machine version of the KOTH gamemode, MVM-KOTH! In this gamemode...
  15. zythe_

    zythe_mc11 a1

    main concept was the 3 layered tower in the middle, kind of ended up not knowing what to put around it, so you get a box.
  16. Dasprucegoose

    canyonplant a4

    RED and BLU have built rival factories wedged between the walls of a canyon, located just North of the Badwater Pipeline. The two competing teams have both dominated most of the canyon, and only a small platform in between the two fortresses remains untouched.
  17. SunriseWatchWater

    Badlands Fall RC1

    - A 5CP Control Point map with an autumn theme. I'm made of anyone through this nice everywhere never word ago wonder hope with a map good luck. Custom Assets: The Frontline Pack Fall Oak Trees by Void Badlands Spire (Alpine) by biskuu Leaf Particles by Exactol Special Thanks: Original map...
  18. HelloThere

    vipkoth_badlands v1

    A VIP x KOTH version of koth_badlands for TF2 Classic! Carry your VIP to the capture point and try to keep it under control! But if your VIP dies, your team will be punished by adding 30 seconds to their timer! Complete with a nav mesh to support bots.
  19. Potato Masher

    Handover A3

    After 3 years of procrastination, here's my first functional A1 map, Handover. Handover is a King of the Hill map set in a small shipping yard out in the Badlands. Presumably the trains carry in weapons and ammo for the mercs to use elsewhere; looks like they couldn't wait for 2 day shipping...
  20. Emil_Rusboi

    Tumble b0 Short

    Original map - Tumb2k19 by Tumby Tumble - asymmetrical arena map where you fight for the Power Station in the middle of the dried desert.