Bizarre Texture Glitch

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
So I compiled my map (which WOULD HAVE BEEN READY TO UPLOAD) and I get this:
A few facts:
-The whole floor of the room is one block
-The texture is cut, but the block is still solid
-The texture is cut along a visleaf
-The texture cut extends to an adjacent block, but not along a visleaf
-The compile log is completely error-free
-The surface appears normally in the editor
-A similar bug appeared in an earlier version of the map, where texture changes applied to the block would not apply, and would instead appear on a 2D plane somewhere else on the map. Replacing the block fixed this, which does not work with this.
-I am completely fucking baffled

Thanks to anyone who can figure this out, the map is ready for an initial release and this goddamn problem had to rear its ugly head at the last second.


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
Oct 6, 2008
Just throwing this in because I don't know if this is part of the issue or not but is it a displacement?

The only reason I ask is that some displacements have the grass effect that's created when you create the displacement.

With the last update that valve did - all of this grass stuff now appears as little squares with purple black on them on my machine regardless of the map this has just started to happen on my machine over the last couple of days.

Maybe the update is doing something to your machine?

Also is it an entity or something - does it happen all the time - maybe it's a bad brush - has it been destroyed and recreated?
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Thats probably it, but a similar thing happened to me before, and it was because i had Nodraw blocks occupying the same space as some of my textured blocks. If Raffis solution doesnt work, try this one. I doubt im right though, just my personal experience.

If he had nodraw sharing this plane then it'd show in his hammer screenshot as 2 z-fighting textures. One the concrete floor and the other the nodraw.
Sep 12, 2008
If he had nodraw sharing this plane then it'd show in his hammer screenshot as 2 z-fighting textures. One the concrete floor and the other the nodraw.

not when you have the nodraw texture disabled in hammer, so you better double check that!

edit: this button: :rendernodraw:

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
Even with every clipped brush set to func_brush and many of them outright deleted, the problem continues.

Update: When the floor is turned into a displacement, this doesnt happen. I'm going to use this as a temporary workaround so I can get the initial release out and do more testing.
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