Request: Where to go after Basic Map Construction


L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2011
Okay, here's the deal. I'm a new mapper and new to TF2Maps, and I hope this is the right section. Still it seemed more fitting.

What I'm asking for is a link to a journal or video or somewhat of someone making a map, but it still sort of is a tutorial, and details along the way. Or maybe a list of tutorials in constructing a more advanced map. Pictures would be preferred. The thing is, I'm past basic room construction, and I'm not sure where to go. Most tutorials I come across are for specific things (Round Displacement Corners) or very generic (Architecture Theory? Something like that). I want something like the latter, except with specific things and how to do them in it. Or another solution to where to go for me: I've created a map with respawn rooms, and that's about it. It would be easy to have a compiled list in order of what to do, or maybe just a lot of tips on turning my room in to a map. Of course, I still wish for it to be explained with the tools in Hammer.

Or another solution would be people telling me what they did after their first room map. That would be useful too.

Any help would be appreciated. I hope this is in the right section, or I'm not just being ignorant.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
The VDC, or Valve Development Community is good place to start, they have guides for TF2 Level Design Theory. (Good read, short, but informative).

Also, our own Tutorials section has a lot of tutorials that may help you out.

Sounds like your stuck on what to do with a layout. Best thing to start with is a small, symmetrical map (Koth or Arena). and just start making a map like how you think an actualy map may be. Just remember to have a layout that is exciting, so nothing flat with just blocks, make multilevel huts or something along those lines. If you get stuck, look at other Valve maps for inspiration. Don't necessarily copy their idea.
Apr 13, 2009
Or another solution would be people telling me what they did after their first room map. That would be useful too.

The "two rooms connected by a corridor" map is the next logical step.
And then, the room full of crates and monster_human_grunts was also very popular at the time. :sleep:
Maybe you're past that already ?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Try my sig for specific TF2 related map design tips. I've tried to be comprehensive with my tutorials but so many aspects overlap it's difficult not to go off on a tangent.

Have you learnt optimisation?

Once you've learnt about optimisation and line of sight (LoS) you can begin to draft layouts on paper out of ideas in your head and references from other official maps.

You then translate your layout sketch into a 3d layout in Hammer using dev textures:

You test the layout to see whether it is overscaled and that gameplay is balanced. Once it is balanced you can begin adding details such as textures and props that denote a theme (desert/industrial/egypt/alpine/farm).

We test in DEV because it's easier to make changes without details in the way, not to mention that spending 5 hours on details only to change the layout and have to remove that 5 hours worth of work is a waste of time.
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L420: High Member
Aug 26, 2010
The "two rooms connected by a corridor" map is the next logical step.
And then, the room full of crates and monster_human_grunts was also very popular at the time. :sleep:
Maybe you're past that already ?

Go Bear Grylls:
Nothing is a better lesson than making a crappy but complete map, have people completely loathe it, try fixing it for another 50 hours, people still hate it. Finish with a crappy but fully detailed map. Realize you can make a way better one this time - SUCCESS.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jun 12, 2009
Go Bear Grylls:
Nothing is a better lesson than making a crappy but complete map, have people completely loathe it, try fixing it for another 50 hours, people still hate it. Finish with a crappy but fully detailed map. Realize you can make a way better one this time - SUCCESS.

So that's where I've been going wrong, I actually care about my maps, so I never finish them! :D


Mar 1, 2010
Go Bear Grylls:
Nothing is a better lesson than making a crappy but complete map, have people completely loathe it, try fixing it for another 50 hours, people still hate it. Finish with a crappy but fully detailed map. Realize you can make a way better one this time - SUCCESS.

Pretty much this.

Your next step should be making a small symmetrical arena or koth map. Study official maps of those gametypes and try to get a feel for what they do. Throw some brushes around and make something that looks like it'd be fun to play on.

Then play it with people and find out it's terrible and everything you know is wrong.

Then you start over utilizing what you learned for your next map.

Rinse and repeat until you are a decent mapper.

edit: Although note that you don't necessarily have to finish every map you start. You'll learn to pick up quick if your map will work after a few plays.
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