
Sabotage b2e


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
I'm going to assume you need to run the neutral flag into the enemy's base?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'm going to assume you need to run the neutral flag into the enemy's base?

Yes, that is what invade mode is. Read the description.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I know this is an early alpha, but watch that sightline down the middle, you only have cargo containers for cover on the upper level and a flying enemy is a standing enemy to a good sniper.

I was initially concerned with site lines; however, the middle is pretty much the same area as that of 2fort's no mans land (with a little extra on the sides to accomodate the stairs from the water). The bridge is half the length of 2fort's, with a little more room to manouvre either side of the bridge, outside the bases.

Do you think this is still too much? It's the most open area of the map and i am reluctant to shorten it as otherwise the area sizes throughout the map will be the same; journeying through the map will be monotonous/boring and even perhaps confusing due to lack of landmark's/change in scenery.

Also, a sentry behind the furthest container can cover the entire front of the base. Barely, but it can.


That's the length of 2fort's bridge, give or take 64 units.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
bump, because it's on page 2 with 3 downloads. Has no one tested this yet? I could have sworn someone did a "ctf contest game sessoion".

It would be nice to get layout feedback before i concrete it in with details.

Oh, and sorry for not zipping the file, but it's only 3,000kb.


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
I'll give it a run through. We have had impromptu tests like nothing else, but it's really been people on the server going "Can I be next?" So... yeah.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Thanks, i believe my map was only just put on the server when Booj made a contest rotor.

It's kinda annoying that my card's out of action because it means i can't really load up any games made in the last 20 years. So i can't go in a vote it on or anything. Should have new pc by end of week though! Right when my uni kicks back in :(


Blu Hatte, Greyscale Backdrop.
Dec 28, 2008
Well, after a quick runthrough, I feel that:

When I spawned, I was confused at the doors, didn't know which way to go.
The Mid bridge area seemed like a long sightline, I don't know for certain how it would play, but a traincar on the tracks there might not be too bad.
The layout is easy to learn, which is in general good.

That's about all I have to say, without playing through it on a server I couldn't say much more.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Thanks for taking an early look midget.

I was considering putting the intel on a train flat bed. But that would make it awkward to grab for basic classes, and possibly hard to spot at ground level (I might add steps even, as an after thought). Shouldn't be too much of an issue when people get used to it though, i'll wait for a playtest to act on it. Should be one tomorrow hopefully.

It doesn't really matter which doors you go through, you can basically get to the other side outside the spawn. Although i do intend to put some signage up, designating the quickest capture point route and intelligence route.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
Interesting layout, needs signs.

Nothing seems to happen when you plant the intel. You don't get a score, the intel just returns back to the middle and you repeat.

One of the resupply lockers in blu spawn doesn't work.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Ah, i'll try and sort that out.

The person doesn't score any points, the team does on the round score stats for some reason. Invade mode scoring is currently broken (Thanks to Valve).
Dec 25, 2007
Ah, i'll try and sort that out.

The person doesn't score any points, the team does on the round score stats for some reason. Invade mode scoring is currently broken (Thanks to Valve).

Is it? in my current test, with Invade mode flag, I get 0 kills but 2 points (in the scoreboard) for a cap. My team gets none, so I'll have to trigger those myself.

Edit: Oh yes, I see now what you're referring to. When capping, the player gets 1 cap credit, 2 points; the team gets 0 cap points; but the team gets 1 "round win" point. Mental, and completely unusable: there's no way that I know of to manually increment team cap points, and fiddling with round win points is just dodgy.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'm hoping that the tournament mode will render this issue irrelavent for the contest. But i can't say for sure as i havn't tested it. (dead card). The team not being able to score any points could still be an issue in the tallying of points in tournament mode, i can only hope in the mean time that it is not.

I'd also like this map to be played beyond the contest, so at some point it would be nice to have a resolution to this problem.

edit: DrPepper suggested (somewhere on the forums, recently) that we could make a request to Valve for better sound handling (ambient_generics) through filtering, something i brought up regarding the broken alerts for Invade mode... we could do with better filtering options for alot of things to be honest. But first and foremost, if we are to make any requests of Valve regarding this contest it should be to simply fix what shouldn't be broke in the first place!! If the sound alerts worked i wouldn't need to figure out how to team filter ambient_generics to manually play alerts, and as you said, the scoring system is currently unusable.
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008

Kinda stuck for how to make the Red base look better. Mostly it's because i can't do what i want because of what's behind the front........ Heeh. I'd bring the middle part of the red building out but the door intersects the joining of the tall and lower buildings (which is one room inside). Changing that risks imbalancing the map... Hm.
Aug 10, 2009
Do you think this is still too much? It's the most open area of the map and i am reluctant to shorten it as otherwise the area sizes throughout the map will be the same; journeying through the map will be monotonous/boring and even perhaps confusing due to lack of landmark's/change in scenery.

I don't think it's a killer but its definately something to watch. As long as you have one or two sideroutes that aren't too distant you should be fine. :)

EDIT: I don't full understand your predicament. If you want to add a design aspect that could unbalance the map don't add it, but if you're caught between adding something that could help or not, well that's up for you to decide. You could always fence off part of it and add some details or something :/
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'm trying to improve the aesthetics of the front of Red base. Currently it looks flat, but i can't change the buildings horizontal displacement due to the door intersecting the joining of the tall and lower structure.

I'm sure i'll figure something out though. The last thing i intend to do is knowingly imbalance the map.