Feb 14, 2008
I had a similar idea for my intel location... I just haven't built it yet

*shakes fist*
Dec 25, 2007
MangyCarface said:
p.s. I stole the satellite dish from hydro, sue me
It's not a satellite dish, it's a radio telescope.

Edit: Goddamn this stupid vbulletin plugin that replaces links to flickr with a video embed that doesn't work, and throws away your own link text!
Sep 12, 2008
Wow, i read that as Wildmire. Confusing! And anyways, you don't stand a chance with that map of yours! I will beat the crap out of every single one!


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 9, 2009
is there coming like big fire? i heard the sounds of it, and i saw some strange light from the trees. :p


Feb 26, 2008
I wish to make it known that anyone who loves me should contact me at mangysexywebchat@gmail.com because I probably love you too

I forgot to make the map end correctly, as usual; because the intel is harder to get than in atrophy I may allow cap trading (as in not require teams to have their intel at home) but I need smaller level tests before I can decide this

Fighting in the radio dish is a lot of fun because it's like a splash damage bowl.

Mr. P. Kiwi

L5: Dapper Member
Nov 22, 2009
Looks great!
Although there are some things that don't seem to be right...
1. Like the sattelite dish
2. The tracks on the CONCRETE way - why things are growing on the pavement?!
I think you get the idea...
Good luck on the contest!


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2009
I liked how there are many routes for bringing the intel back from the enemy base, I can't say much about how accessible or safe they will be on a full server. However there are a few things that I would like to point out:

For instance the capture zone, I can tell it closes when the enemy has the intel but; from previous experience I know this sort of mechanic is prone to griefing; and long rounds. And when you fall it pushes you back a couple of times before finally managing to land, interesting but I think it's something the map could be better off without, maybe a different solution to block the capture?


The intel "room", is right in front of the teams spawn point and; not that you care, but I don't like this new trend of intel "rooms" were mappers just drop the briefcase anywhere and call it a day. I love the romance and spectacle of the 2fort intel room, when you enter it you feel like did something notable you feel stressed and psyched like you really broke into a place you shouldn't be and the distance from the exit to the intel is a welcomed breathing space.

From what I can tell the attackers are too exposed when taking the intel, and the defense is in a very favorable position since backup when the turtling engy is being attacked is a few seconds away, or a quick rocket.


I don't get what's the purpose for this dead end, maybe a place for future expansions?


And one final useles note, that forest must be going supernova if it's emiting that much light hehe.



Feb 26, 2008
Thanks for the feedback -

You must remember this is not made for public play, unlike atrophy: I made this solely to play well at smaller player counts. In 6v6 we assume that neither team will intentionally grief the other.

The intel location was actually carefully designed; notice the fences: there are only a few viable sentry positions to guard the intel, all of which can be cornered from the pipe exit room or destroyed from spire. I wanted the intel to be accessed both through the house and by rocket jumping on and away, and I enjoy how it plays. Though it may be 'right in front of the spawn' it works. Spawns in this map are mostly just where players emerge; only one door is truly re-enterable.

I enjoy the air push above the hole; players like to air strafe and it feels natural to fall down to cap, and then fly out in a bounce-like motion. I'll work on spyteching the intel location when the map's more polished. The dead end pipe orginally stretched across to the other side of the map, but was removed for adding too many pathways. It may house pickups later.

Dr. Spud

Grossly Incandescent
Mar 23, 2009
Played it for a bit on 2f2f. What I liked was that the fighting spaces were all interesting, making you watch out from multiple angles. I was never bored, and the layout almost always gave me some sort of choice where to go next. The concrete walkways stick in my memory the most; I like how they give you a small hiding place that's dangerous, but not checked very often.

But while it was fun, and the difficulty to capture the intel was about right, it felt like there wasn't much ability for the teams to groups up and think through their attack. The two teams kind of mashed together, and what decided the winner was marginally better individual players, not so much strategy.

Maybe you could try opening some areas in a way that gives some more breathing room but maintains the run-distances?

The other thing that bothered me was that the intel is in a very odd spot behind the concrete building. I understand why it's there and I think it's a good spot, but it still felt awkward.

Overall a really great start. Can't wait to see more of it.


L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2009
Good points, I haven't thought about that I always imagine maps with a lot of mischievous people and never picture then with 6vs6; but hell almost 2 years of trying to keep a 32 player full will make you think that 12 people is an empty server hehe.


Feb 26, 2008
But while it was fun, and the difficulty to capture the intel was about right, it felt like there wasn't much ability for the teams to groups up and think through their attack. The two teams kind of mashed together, and what decided the winner was marginally better individual players, not so much strategy.

Thanks for the feedback-

One thing I'm considering is removing the upper battlements exit from the pipe room; this would funnel players even more into the center and maintain a more strict S shape.