
CTF Vector Final

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
It's crashed the server thrice this evening. Upon testing it myself with bots my suspicion was confirmed: it's far too close to the edict limit. :facepalm:


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
And on a totally unrelated note, next time you make a version for public consumption can you give PackBSP a spin? :blush:


Sep 10, 2008
I'll submit an appeal for resubmission. B2 never had this problem on my 32 man server, so I can't be too far over the edict limit. A fix could be out as early as tomorrow morning (9 hours from now).
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A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
It crashed for me on a fresh load, 32 demomen, on the 5th or 6th sticky firing. By comparison, animus and pipeline can handle all 8x32 stickies and only crash when you get into the grenades... apparently it is just a hair too close. :/

edit: hrm. it might not actually be an edict crash... though it did crash us many times.
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Sep 10, 2008
And on a totally unrelated note, next time you make a version for public consumption can you give PackBSP a spin? :blush:

I'd love to try it out, but perhaps for the next iteration. I hope you understand, I want to try and minimize risk as much as possible.
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L1: Registered
Feb 26, 2009
Brilliant map. I loaded it up a few days ago and ran around for a bit. There's an incredible amount of detail that shows how hard you've worked on the map.

Since I was the only player on the map I had an opportunity to do a lot of exploring and I've got a few observations about the first and second stages:


There are a lot of low rooftops and/or balconies that are within very easy reach of a soldier, demo, or scout that have playerclips blocking access. Obviously you don't want someone sticky-jumping from the beginning to the end of the stage, but there are still a few balconies that are seemingly accessible.


On the first stage, the structure surrounding the 1st cap has a 2nd floor that is in essence only accessible from the BLU side of the stage. Anyone approaching from the RED side has to either FAN/rocket/sticky-jump up onto the freight containers/balconies to get to the 2nd level or go all the way to the first capture point and double back.

That has some very interesting strategic ramifications. I was wondering if it was intentionally built that way with balancing the map in mind.


Sep 10, 2008
Vector has been updated to C3, for the contest. (C2 had edict limit errors). New download is below.


On the first stage, the structure surrounding the 1st cap has a 2nd floor that is in essence only accessible from the BLU side of the stage. Anyone approaching from the RED side has to either FAN/rocket/sticky-jump up onto the freight containers/balconies to get to the 2nd level or go all the way to the first capture point and double back.

That has some very interesting strategic ramifications. I was wondering if it was intentionally built that way with balancing the map in mind.

Yeah, I wanted to keep the map as one-way as possible (BLU can push RED back, RED can't push BLU). This also helps RED stay near the CP. Straying too far away or trying to sneak too many players to spawn camp would render the CP undefended. Neither teams would have any fun this way.

You can see this in about every stage. Defenders become more and more vulnerable as they stray further and further away from the CP.

Although, this doesn't stop stacked teams from just rolling the other, but in that case, there's nothing I can do.
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Sep 10, 2008
See this window? I want to make it a lot smaller, so sentries cant shoot through it over to the catwalks. Thoughts?

Aug 10, 2009
That sentry would be pretty hard to take down in the first place with the window there, but I think canceling it out would greatly disarm red from a valuable sentry spot... Maybe widen the window so an uber demo could more easily pop some stickies in there... This is only speculation though..


Oct 30, 2008
Don't. I've been playing this map forever on the server (24-man, vanilla spawn times) I play on, and am a bit confused by all the nerfs to RED you're having. It's pretty easy to win as BLU already, and more often than not both teams win on BLU and lose on RED. That window sentry is very easy to take down from the far right by soldiers or demomen or snipers or anything really.


Sep 10, 2008
250 point_spotlights

apparently they take up 3 edicts each

thus, 750 edicts were being hogged by spotlights alone.

For C3, I removed about 100 point_spotlights, or freed up 300 edicts


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
See this window? I want to make it a lot smaller, so sentries cant shoot through it over to the catwalks. Thoughts?

Assuming a flat floor, it's easy to tune a short wall to be juuuuust the right height that sentries can't shoot over it, but demomen and soldiers can easily attack. I can't remember the exact height (44? 64?) but I have a test map sitting around somewhere.

Another possibility is to make a low floor inside, and the only way to look out the window is to jump on some props.


Sep 10, 2008
Don't. I've been playing this map forever on the server (24-man, vanilla spawn times) I play on, and am a bit confused by all the nerfs to RED you're having. It's pretty easy to win as BLU already, and more often than not both teams win on BLU and lose on RED. That window sentry is very easy to take down from the far right by soldiers or demomen or snipers or anything really.

Perhaps, but not many players actually take the path to the right. They see the CP, and the catwalk, and want to push head on through. Although this almost always fails, I don't believe in forcing players to act against their instincts, or blame them for not taking the alternate route. Instead, I want to be giving players a choice, rather than punishing them for not playing how I'd like them to play. Ideally, The catwalk should be as viable as the other route. That way, nobody is frustrated, and nobody would feel the need to blame me for making one of the potentially easiest cap on the map, impossible to win.

Of course, I have yet to personally test the double-catwalk layout, but if it's needed, I'll make the side path harder. I've seen far too many matches stall there, and everyone feels frustrated. I believe the first CP in these stages should primarily be a "time-waster", and not be an actual "winnable" point to defend. Asking around, players pointed 3-1 as their most disliked CP, which I'm not really fond of either. Balance should always be a focus when mapping AD maps, but my goal is to make it both balanced AND fun.
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Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Screw instincts. The second that your pal gets blasted off the catwalk, RUN.


Cranky Coder
Jul 31, 2009
Perhaps, but not many players actually take the path to the right. They see the CP, and the catwalk, and want to push head on through.
I know not of which I speak, but perhaps making the catwalk darker/duller and brightening the alternate route would alter their habits. If you still want the effect, perhaps move the fancy lighting to the ceiling and walls, but leave the catwalk as foreboding grey...
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