
chipper b3

whats new?
  • interior detailing pass
    - second, last and spawns recived focused detailing passes
  • spawns layout was adjusted to direct players toward the doors
  • optimization mainly around mid and second
  • minor changes (code for, i dont remember)
Feeling like its getting close to being done now, next few playtests will be stress testing and seeing what areas need more work, custom color correction, and soundscapes, aswell as more assets.

thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • detailing
  • i honestly couldn't tell you anything else, lol
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • b1 detailing pass!
    • some parts are obviously unfinished, but I'm tackling it bit by bit
    • mainly trying to get a consistent style and color pallet down, as well as visually distinguishing some structures, like the shack on second or the last spawn building, stronger silhouettes, that sorta thing
  • added 2 shredders under the mid bridge
  • put holes into the second walk-able roof
  • lots of tiny differences as a result of detailing
  • i fogot
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • added a extra doorway to the small building on second
  • added a small cubby on last to second connector
  • moved the second forward spawn, walk times should be longer, and it will change the attackers approach
  • optimization
  • minor changes
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • added medium health and ammo-kits to the open silo route
  • added small health-kit next to the double doors on second
  • added some signage
  • improved OOB detailing around second and mid
  • i frogot
  • minor changes
Current plan is to retest this version a lot, both for demo data and to see if anything else comes up, after that, i will start gauging weather or not people think its ready for beta, i have an itch to detail this map, and either way, ill make the final call, but y'all have a say!

thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • raised last capture time from 3 to 4
  • raised second capture time from 5 to 6
  • adjusted various health and ammo pack positions and sizes
  • removed bridge from second and raised the defending balcony, added handrails and a plank to jump over (heavy can barely make the jump)
  • turned last spawn points toward the nearest doors
  • clipping improvements
  • various clutter props added
  • minor changes
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • mid re-imagening!
    • same idea, new approach, i called upon the dark arts of 45° geometry.
    • this 45° change makes the distance between the open and enclosed route to the point roughly equal, the open route is now less exposed and risky as a result
  • added new underway in mid
  • revised some pickup placements around mid
  • observer points now switch teams based on point owner
  • added extra spec cams on last
  • miscellaneous alpha detailing
  • i forgot
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • some gameplay centered detailing
  • i forgot literally everything else
  • removed evil watercooler
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • raised last cap time from 2 to 3
  • finally made roof on second accessible, clearly marked other rooves as non walkable
  • added phys props all around the map (high priority)
  • forgot the rest
thanks to all the playtesters!
whats new?
  • raised baseline respawn time from 8 to 10
    - point caps still adjust spawn speed accordingly
  • lowered last cap time from 4 to 2
  • lowered second cap time from 6 to 5
  • removed ramp to bridge on second
  • added windows for players pushing out of last
  • moved health and ammo in last lobby to be more biased toward defenders
  • added new doorway connecting the long and short route between second and mid
  • minor changes probably?
thanks to all the playtesters!