|Fixed respawn times being too long for medieval
|Fixed minor visual bugs

|Completely reworked stage 2's last point
|Both stages are now combined
|changed the ending cap point to be lower

|changed shape of the roof to allow players to stand on top of it

|changed routing

|minor visual changes
+added new flank for blu that opens after the first point is capped
|increased skybox height
|changed the way you access the side area
|changed some cover around
|shortened the rollback zone
|add some details
|increased time added when capping first point by 30 seconds
|Fixed BLU spawn not having respawnroom visualizers
|Fixed some unintended perch points
|Shortened the rollback zones, BLU now has a shorter cart path
|Increased RED's spawn times by 1
|Shortened geometry by the first cap point
|Changed some geometry around
|Adjusted cover on the third floor of the building
|Moved RED's spawn over a bit, no longer able to jump on top of the horse immediately out of spawn
|some optimization

+added trimp to get to RED's spawn
+added some details to BLU spawn
+added some cover
+added stairs for BLU to be able to more easily get into the building once the first cap point has be captured
+added door to the building that only opens once BLU caps first point, RED now has to go to the top floor and take fall damage to get behind BLU
+added more soundscapes

-removed a spawn exit for RED
-removed a brazier from the top floor of the building
Stage 2, kinda thrown together
|Updated Horse to use a new model, should be much better to collide with as the tracktrain is now in the shape of the model, no longer uses push triggers

|Changed orientation of the log in water
|Minor visual enhancements
|Made the horse neigh not as loud
|Horse bucking now deals 35 damage

+added healthkit
|the horse now bucks you off of it if you've been standing on the top of it for too long
|horse now neighs
|changed the shape of some roofs

+added detailing
+added optimization to areas
+added brazier inside side house
+added health pack near last

|shortened RED's respawn time
|changed angle of a rock for more reliable trimping
|increased size of unstuck trigger inside horse
|minor texture adjustments
|other minor changes to gameplay geometry