Minor update to get rid of the big gameplay distractions for playtesting. A3 will likely be remade from scratch with a new layout, so I am using this version to focus in on what needs to be changed/reworked/improved.

Only major change is I removed the flanks I had before which were not being used how I imagined they would be and distracted from the point.

Some minor changes include
  • Rearranged/added pickups
  • Made the map slightly shorter
  • Extended pool at the bottom of lab so you can jump down from the top level without taking fall damage

This will probably be the last public version for a while unless I find more distractions to fine-tune in this version. Consider this version a prototype for testing and not an actual rework.
Tweaked a few issues MayaMogus had brought up after I published alpha 2. There are some other potentially problematic elements that might need to be adjusted but it'll require more proper playtesting.

  • Raised capture point onto a displacement
  • Raised spawn up and pushed back the back wall for a more comfortable spawn room
  • Slightly raised right side out of spawn to match the raised platform in-between spawn and mid
  • Decreased the size of the ledge as to offer less obscene cover/vantage over the point
  • Slightly adjusted sewers to feel a little less cramped
  • Swapped medium and small healthpacks in lab
  • Added more cover in lower lab
  • Added a trim to the glass wall in-between spawn and mid for better visibility
  • Replaced trigger_push with trigger_hurt and added temporary barbed wire texture


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A lot has been reworked and revamped since a1, I'll list as much as I can but you'll just have to try it out for yourself. Thank you so much to everyone who gave me feedback during the initial testing! And thank you to everyone who has given me feedback since and helped me with various issues in the TF2maps discord server! I'm really excited to see how this plays and what everyone thinks about this.
  • New name & theme! koth_treatment takes place in a water treatment plant, hence the sewage you're stepping in and getting showered with! It's all very rough so far, I will work more on ironing out the look of the map as it leaves alpha and starts to settle on a layout and theme. Thank you so much to Generic and MayaMogus on discord for helping me come up with a theme and name for this as well as many other things!
  • Cut down sightlines from spawn.
  • Made mid ~angular~ for hopefully more interesting/less flat gameplay
  • Increased pickup spread and decreased size. Will probably still need more tweaking but I think this will make more room gameplay-wise for dispensers and medics.
  • Completely ditched old "flanks" I had before that were just dinky hallways I added pretty lazily. I actually put some thought into the design of these flanks and got feedback from others (shout-out to the TF2maps discord server once again) and I think these will allow for more interesting gameplay. Definitely needs a lot of playtesting, hard to get an idea of balance/fun with just bots, but I'm happy with these so far.
  • Extended the inside area (henceforth I will refer to as "Lab") near the middle to reach closer in towards spawn, completely revamped the layout. Now instead of having the perch up a single ramp you have to go up three whole ramps!!! Has a pool inside that leads to the sewers, which can bring you back to mid or (a rocket/sticky jump) into the other team's defensive platform opposing lab (henceforth I will refer to as "Fort").

Thank you so much Generic for doing detail passes of this map and helping solidify it's identity!

And thank you everyone in the TF2maps discord server for giving feedback and helping troubleshoot, I appreciate you all so much! Especially thank you MayaMogus, Nixxk, and Generic for all your feedback and help with this version <3

Please let me know what you do and don't like about this iteration! Thank you so much for checking out my map and giving feedback!!!


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