-Added anti-flag barriers to prevent players from taking the australium back to spawn and waiting out the point's lock timer
-This never actually happened in the previous playtest because of just how small the map is but it's good to have insurance against
-These barriers first force you to drop the australium on contact, then if you continue trying to bring the australium back into your base they will forcibly reset it to its spawn position

-Added an oil tanker in the hilly courtyard at mid to look cool and make gameplay in the area more interesting

-The control point now locks for 60 seconds after the australium is picked up instead of 40
-This could easily prove to be a mistake, let's see

-The propjump up to the high ground at mid that nobody noticed has been augmented with a second, similar propjump nearby

-A couple of crates at mid were raised because they weren't really doing anything before

-The sun sprite is no longer unintentionally perfectly parallel with the horizon

-The control point has been renamed from "the Rocket Launch Site" to "the Control Point"

-The oil no longer makes gross sludge footstep sounds

-The oil on RED's side of the map has been given an experimental bumpmap that makes it look very visually busy but also kinda cool
-Fixed several trigger_hurts killing you when they shouldn't
-Removed the annoying flame sound
-Adjusted skybox fog to be less ugly
-Enhanced the resolution of the cubemap outside RED spawn, and gave BLU a copy of it


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