fixed things regarding payload gimmick, gave Blu access to high ground through balcony at B, tweaked respawn times, blocked sight lines, fixed doors, moved health and ammo. A3 is next.
Fixed texture issue at last, replaced detonator for proper model, Added a new drill wall by A, made a new entrance into A that closes off after point is capped, spawn doesn't move back until door is drilled through.
Fixed issue regarding the train clipping through walls and killing players at A
Train is Shorter and will not activate until B is capped
Added new buildings to A
Nobuilds applied to the Rock by A's main choke
Doorways near B have been narrowed to prevent sight lines and help with defending players
Added Health, Ammo, and new blockade by choke into B
moved Health and ammo by flank in Choke point
Added Health and ammo in the highground area of B
Lowered the speed to doors at both B and C to 35
Added new building to catwalk outside of B to help funnel defenders into the highground
Main door at C no longer opens when the drill wall has finished
Moved/tweaked/added Health and Ammo around C
Red spawn teleport properly disables after it activates
Once C is capped the 1 way door by the entrance opens allowing Blu to gain easy access to highground at C
Decreased size of caves from C to Finale by 128 HUs
Removed Light prop near entrance to finale
Removed Health and ammo at far left side of finale by the flank
Added Health and ammo in a new cubby at Finale
Added signs around the map to help with navigation
Added minor detailing
My changes made to A3 will be dedicated to improving roll out times from C to B for red, from B to C for Blu's first forward spawn and for C to finale from blu's 2nd forward spawn as alot of players had issues with the roll out times last imp. I'm mainly giving Soliare a break so they can have a clean mind going into the 72hr Jam.
Patch notes for A2a (tbh I could a called this A3, but I'd rather get Soliare's changes in A3):
Due to high demand, Red now has 1 more spawn room located next to B point, this will make traversing to first for Red alot easier without any drastic layout changes
Door previously used as decor by B point is now a fully functioning door that keeps red players spawning from B to wander off into C and further into their own territory
Fixed/removed/adjusted Props around the map missing their clipping, were in weird spots, or were flat out hovering
Red's new Spawn at B doubles as a Multi Team spawn room for both Red and blue once B is capped
Adjusted catwalk Balcony by the Drill wall
Red is now the only team to have Spawnroom teleports
Added a 1 way door near the Drill wall to prevent sightlines
Added new catwalks to C by main entrance to promote defenders to use the highground
Changed C point's spawn room for red to face the proper direction
Removed Staircase leading to Red's high ground near the main entrance making it harder for Blu to attack red's high ground
Removed the drop down room by C point
Removed Health and ammo to the flank hallway where the original entrance into red's 2nd spawn used to be.
adjusted teleport times to once the drill cart completes drilling through the wall
remade part of the tracks near the drill wall to seem like they're broken/being replaced
added Health and ammo at Last to promote defenses on higher ground.
Adjusted numerous health and ammo locations/sizes around the map.
Main door entrance into C reopens once the drill has finished drilling through the wall.
Last version was a rocky one, to be honest I lost sight in what the map needed as well as the scope I wanted to take the map's cave's system areas. This update Soliare and I set out to downsize what we had from the previous version and scale back a lot of the map while adding some of the changes requested in the last imp test.
Another note we will be potentially looking for modelers to help with assets for the map later on in production such as a proper version of the Drill cart, or the "Dildo cart" as some testers called it, as well as other mining themed equipment.
Patch Notes for Version 2 A2:
Size of the map has been overall decreased
Added spectator cameras
New 1st point and starting area and Finale
Choke points have been added to 2nd as well as Last
added a staircase connecting the main track route to ground level at 2nd
increased time for the map's gimmick from 5 to 15 seconds
fixed an issue where the cart gets stuck on one part of the map after the gimmick only to be fixed when Blu moves back away from the cart and touches it again
fixed an issue related to spawn teleport for Red and Blue respectively
Removed routes into 3rd possibly alleviating possible confusion for defenders on where to go
Reworked areas of A1 to fit into the newly reworked finale.
Again huge thanks to @Soliare for assisting me with remaking 1st and Blu's first spawn as well as advice on downsizing the map overall, I literally couldn't have done it with your help.
If you have any feedback, issues, suggestions, etc. do not hesitate to let me know! Happy Testing!
Sabotage was a project I started in mid 2018 to help me understand payload's logic and get a feel for displacements, and with 2 years passing by I have decided to return to this project with a new skill set and understanding of hammer as a whole.
This new and improved version of Sabotage includes:
A completely remade from the ground up layout
New gameplay gimmicks that were missing from the original due to lack of skill with Hammer and its logic systems.
A train that serves as both a defensive tool and an obstacle for both Red and Blu!
If you have any bugs you would like to inform me about or have any gameplay suggestions and feedback, please do not hesitate to let me know either through the thread, Discord, Steam, Etc.!
Have fun yall!
P.S. A HUGE thank you to Soliare for assisting with guidance regarding the map as well as looking proof reading displacements, clipping, and lighting!
This update to Sabotage includes the following changes:
Added a new route to access the shed building for Blu
Fixed clipping on certain props
Fixed Displacements
Changed/removed Health and ammo packs on Red's finale
Added a door near the 3rd point to prevent spawn camping
Fixed an issue with Hoodini the resuppply cabinet
Lowered brightness on some lights
Fixed an issue with people getting stuck behind props on finale
This update of Sabotage includes the following changes.
Added new route to 2nd accessible to blu upon capturing the first point
Added more cover to 2nd and 3rd
Removed player clip to the roof of the building near Blu spawn (go nuts)
Removed dead space to areas near 1st and 3rd
Reverted red spawn's teleport to move players AFTER 2nd and 3rd is captured
removed/changed health and ammo
"Can't stand rocking when I'm in here, because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear."
Major update time!
This update includes the following changes:
Red has 2 new retreating spawns for their defense
Added a new building near the 1st cap as a compromise until I rework more sections of the map
Added more health and ammo!
Made defending players still in a previous spawn, be automatically teleported to a retreating spawn upon the capture of a control point thus stopping players from suiciding from becoming trapped in a spawn room
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