-fixed occluder issue
-minor fixes
-some visual touch-ups
-changed env_light direction to improve visibility and be more in sync with the skybox
-various visual improvements
-various fixes
-various improvements
-tweaked lighting

Next stop: Steam Workshop
-small stuff
-fixed skybox
-adjusted fog
-Remade skybox
-Some more detailing
-minor fixes
-various minor fixes
-added sightline blocker on flank route
-I'm not gonna promise that it's the last version any longer. I don't have any further versions planned until RC, but I said the same thing twice before already
-Added wrecker train model
-minor fixes
-last version for real this time
-Added beautiful new steam engine hero prop!
-Fixed various graphic issues
-Added some easter eggs
-Reworked the battlements rooms around mid (thanks Rhamkin!)
-Reduced file size to 50mb, down from 60 - turns out you shouldn't set all cubemaps in the map to 256*256