|fixed an issue where first blood crits could last longer when killing people in certain parts of the map
|fixed some texture alignment issues
|fixed missing overlays

|other minor texture fixes
Some more touch ups to the artpass

|visual enhancements/ visual improvements
|optimization improvements
|extended the ramp platform in the lobbies by 64 units
|extended ledge under the cap point bridge to make jumping from the mid level to the lower level easier
|lighting pass
|repacked the bsp this time
|fixed visual bugs such as shadows showing through some walls
|fixed menu photos being oversized
|extended the height of the clipping in the lobbies
After a year in development, Rivet is now in a state where I can consider it finished, this is my first finished map, and it feels good.

Thank you for everyone who playtested and gave feedback over the many different versions this map has gone through.
|fixed a circumcised fore
|Made the ammo boxes in the base's full ammo boxes
|Optimization stuff
|Updated menu photos
|Visual enhancements made throughout map
|fixed displacement error
|fixed a metal grate texture z-fighting with the ground
|minor texture fixes
|Visual enhancements throughout map
|changed small ammo boxes in the bases to be medium ones

+added menu photos
|fixed cringe perch point
|some changes to the 3D skybox
Began to detail RED's exterior, also made some visual enhancements both outside and inside based on player feedback
|Shortened the overhang to make it more realistic



  • 1.jpg
    425.2 KB · Views: 144
  • 3.jpg
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  • 4.jpg
    349 KB · Views: 146
|Rivet has entered Beta, artpass has begun
|Increased the height of ceilings in the bases



