It's 5am so i'll make this quick

+Mission improvements

+Added extra detail
Pretty minor stuff, mostly just improvements to existing detail

+Optimisation pass (stage 2)
Areaportals and other stuff

+Made multiple balance changes to the mission
I'm pretty happy with the mission as it is now, likely only needs some minor changes now

-Removed extra mission
Caused a few problems, so it's gone (for now)

+Some minor bug fixes

+Added extra support for mission creators

Known issues:
Some bot holograms do not enable for the first wave (jeez, when am I gonna fix this?!)

Plan for next version:
RC (maybe?)
Been a little while since the last update, huh?
This update is a bit of everything, a bunch of detail, gameplay, and support changes have been made.

+Improved navigation mesh
Bots (still) tended to get caught up in some areas, this should be fixed now.

+Added extra detail
This includes many areas, including out-of-bounds and skybox.

+Optimisation pass
This is the first stage of optimisation, areaportals and the like will be next.

+Made multiple balance changes to the mission
I'm pretty happy with the mission as it is now, likely only needs some minor changes now

+Added extra 'for-fun' mission
This mission is very broken and awful.
I encourage you to get 6 players and max out all upgrades for this mission, then it's pretty fun

+Several clipping improvements

+A ton of minor bug fixes

+Probably a bunch of other things I can't recall

Known issues:
Some bot holograms do not enable for the first wave (jeez, when am I gonna fix this?!)
New mission is shit

Plan for next version:
Changes as a result of player feedback
This update is aimed towards making it easier for others to create missions for this map, as well as making some balance changes.

+Improved navigation mesh
Bots tended to get caught up in some areas, this should be fixed now.

+Added many new nav_prefer areas for mission-making
Check the diagram below for more info!

-Removed engineer-bot teleporter build points
The map was a bit too small for engie teleporters, so now they will only build sentries.

-Removed bomb route through warehouse
This route was considerably superior to the other routes, and defending this route was a bit too difficult. Robots can still travel through the route, but not bomb-bots. See below for more info.

+Added door to warehouse route
This door blocks off the warehouse from the distillery, and is destroyed when a tank passes through it, opening up the route for other bots. (But not the bomb). Because of this, I recommend having tanks spawn late in the wave if you're planning on making any missions for this map.

+Added more detail
Mostly windows lol

+Increased train damage
The train only did 4000 damage per second in the previous version, which is nowhere near enough to insta-kill most giants. Damage value has been raised to 50000 per second. Additionally, the trigger_hurt volume has been increased.

+Made multiple balance changes to the mission
Some waves were too easy, some were too hard. Should be as least a little better now.

+Several clipping improvements

+A ton of bug fixes
This update is primary based around making the bots work better around the map.

-Removed truck
+Improved mission balance and performance
+Added small wall to ramp near robot spawn
+Optimised bot nav
+Added additional engineer spawn locations
+Misc bug fixes
+Increased mission difficulty and generally improved it
Multiple points in the mission were far too easy for 6 competent players, so waves have been changed, buffed, and enhanced.

+Added new bomb and tank route through the warehouse
This should hopefully make it harder to defend as bots have additional avenues of assault

+Added small ramp in robot spawn area to make it easier for bots to reach players

The first area felt more like a tower-defence than anything else, and melee bots weren't threatening at all because of that.

+Changed Skybox and Environmental settings
Looks more unique now, i'd say.

+Fixed a LOT of bugs

Lots of stuff today lads

+Overhauled the robot spawn area's layout
+Added secret room
+Changed quantity, quality, and location of pickups
+Improved Sniper Bot nav
+Added new 'flanker' nav
+Overhauled large portions of the mission to actually be good (and named it)
+Changed quantity and location of some pickups
+Fixed holograms blocking projectiles
+Fixed clipping issues in the distillery
+Fixed multiple aggressive prop-fade issues
+Added train (as an environmental hazard!)
+Added A LOT of extra detailing
+Enlarged entrance doors in corridor
+Fixed bots getting stuck in walls after teleporting

Known issues:
Some bot icons in the mission are missing
Some bot holograms do not enable for the first wave
Train gates and lights don't work quite as intended

Plan for A5:
Mission balancing
Map layout tweaks
Additional map detailing
Multiple bug fixes
Train improvements
+Added custom mission (advanced)
7 waves of torture

+Fixed bots getting stuck inside spawn B
+Fixed bots not receiving spawn protection in spawn A
+Fixed sentry busters exploding in spawn
+Added extra variation to bomb path in robot spawn area
+Fixed Cubemap-related errors
+Fixed some instances of aggressive prop-fade

Known issues:
Some bot icons in the mission are missing
Some bot holograms do not enable for the first wave

Plan for A3:
Mission balancing
Map layout tweaks
Substantial map detailing
I had placed a vmf in the zip, rather than a bsp. Fixed that.