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Poach (CP)/(8CP)/(KOTH?) 1.1.0

Another vacation, another argument; settle your squabble and get on with your camping trip.

Another vacation, another argument; settle your squabble and get on with your camping trip.

You're all performing below standard, and our Mann Co sponsors are starting to pull out. Then we thought about it, and what better way to improve job performance than to bring it with you on your next vacation?

You'll be calm and collected taking in nature around the lot of ya. Remember, you're still on payroll, so we'll need you to claim those campgrounds as your own. RED/BLU's looking for a new lumber site, so get to it.

Poach is an 8CP map- woah, hold on. 5CP is bad enough, but 8CP!? Yes, but with a change to gameplay that should apply to your average 5CP game (in my opinion): whoever owns the most capture points at the end of the round wins! Be wary, as captured points will reset after two minutes pass by, meaning they will need to be recaptured before your opponents claim it. Additionally, every fresh capture gives your team critical hits, but only for a limited time!

Don't be afraid to leave feedback and share your experiences! Let me know if you'd like to see more of my maps. Take it easy, folks.

I have a community server themed around mostly old-school TF2: the SMIZZ server. It contains older custom maps (along with mine), improved and functional TFBots, loads of silly rebalancing, and much more! The IP for anyone willing to join:

To download and play the map yourself:

1) Subscribe, boot up TF2, and go to this folder address: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/440

From there, visit the folder with the matching workshop link ID, then copy-paste it into your tf/maps folder.

2) Open TF2, then go to your console and type map workshop/insert workshop link ID here to download and enter the map.
Padre Snowmizzle
First release
Last update
Capture Points

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