In this version:
Point B
- tried making point B more defendable by giving it more cover for Red and making the main structure that Red use stronger.
- Reduced the health and ammo for Blu ( only at one of the routes they use - to get to the waterfall ) and changed a medium ammo pack to a full one.
- A new good sentry spot was added to the same structure which could help engineers set up a lot faster and more safely.
Point C.
-Reworked the Right flank so as to make Red stronger while defending , and Blu while attacking. Since that sentry spot on the balcony is really strong I gave Blu another way out of the cave-flank that is out of the sentry gun's reach and they can destroy it easier.
- The ramp to the high ground that Red use ,was added back again.
-The Second Blu forward spawn was moved close to the first Red spawn again.
Also I fixed a few things based on feedback.
The map is playing well , I think the points that need the least changes are Point A and D. The points between are in need of some tweeking I believe. I wanted to rework the right side of point C for a while now. Not sure if what I made is the a step to the right direction or not, we will see.
Though I am still in Alpha so I can experiement to see what works and what doesnt. My goal is to finish with the Alpha stages by the end of this month. After that the detailing comes obviously, which i am really excited about. I got some good ideas and I think this could turn out to be one of the most beautiful maps out there if done right.
Anywayz, It would be really helpful if you guys gave me feedback about the map, what works what doesnt etc.
Oh and btw I am almost done with detailing Sharkbay. I am so excited to finally finish this map and see how it does.