In this update Eruption got remade from scratch. Those are the reasons:
--Overall changes--
➤ Reworked the map in such a way that super long sightlines are not a thing anymore.
➤The water got removed for competitive
➤Tried to improve the flow of the map
➤The map is no longer super open and wide thus the fights will happen in certain locations now.
➤Every location of the map has a purpose now. I didnt put it just for decoration or such.
➤In order to use the highground you have to earn it first.
➤Snipers will have to rotate now (especially on last to take advantage of the sightlines.
➤The set up areas are much more obvious now.
➤Added more cover and areas to hide ( that should help with the uber pushes)
➤Some paths now have obstacles up in the air that deny players from high bombing
➤The map got simplified overall. It's easier to understand where you're going now
➤Added more hp/ammo packs around the map.
➤Made sure that the map would be much brighter now.
--Point A--
➤ Now the first point is a straight line similar to badwater/upward
I decided to go with this approach so A and C can feel more different from eachother this way.
➤Point A was completely remade from scratch. It doesnt look anything like the one that came before. The focus was on the ways to attack and where to setup predominately.
--Point B--
➤The idea of the old second point still remains here which means that I kept the waterfall and the cave theme.
➤Now the cart follows 'The flank' path that goes underneath the waterfall instead of right in front of it. That should allow classes like pyro,demoman,heavy and soldier to shine more.
--Point C--
➤Point C remains pretty much the same, I reworked the areas around the point though.
➤Added a fallback zone for the cart and also the point got pushed back.
--Point D--
➤The rounded design was kept.
➤Both Red and Blu have the equal highground now.
➤Blu's high ground is much more restricted though.
➤Red's highground was designed in such a way that forces snipers to rotate so as to have a clear sight of the enemy.
➤Replaced the vent flank with an actual room now. The idea is that blu can choose this route to attack red's highground but in order to do that they will have to be completely dedicated to this route and also to spend 10 secs or so walking around it.
Before I say anything I would like to thank:
And more specifically:
➤Vibeisveryo and Dwaggy
For their help and feedback. Those guys playtested eruption in their servers multiple times and were able to provide so much feedback.
So It's been a while huh?
I don't have much to say actually, I am pretty happy that this map got a second chance but I am also kinda worried. Truth to be told I took my time to redesign the map, I spent a lot of time working and running around on it but I am still concerned. I guess we will find out how the map plays soon.
Oh and btw you will notice that I didnt include much detailing in this rework. Mainly at the volcano. Don't worry when detailing time comes I will make it look like a volcano. I did everything I did so as to be easier to work on the map in the next few updates.