Lethargy pools A3 Update:
-Something strange has happened inside the dev room...
-There is now a small chance something slimy may visit randomly in the pools with new music and effects to signify when its happening!
The event is somewhat random and can happen anywhere between every 4-8 minutes, though its kinda unreliable and sometimes spawns earlier or later (source tick deviation?)
-Added some new areas and alternative paths around the whole map, have fun exploring!
-Removed headcrab failsafe and reverted back to old way. (May add an optional failsafe button later of some kind) For now just pray the headcrabs dont break I guess lol.
-Added Golden headcrab that spawns in in 1 of 6 random locations on the map... (Unlocks a secret door to a familiar place...)
-Headcrab collect sound is now same as one in Restless Plaza (Hamsterball High score sound) I will probably replace the birthday party sound on other maps with it too some day to keep it all consistent with time.
-Made Ennui box insides a bit more "detailed" for no reason at all
-A certain Isaac butt is now wayyyyy more explosive... Oh my.
-Added a basic map helper around the map with "You are here" locators and direction you are facing relative to map, to hopefully help with navigation!
-The "super secret" dev room door is now breakable... again but good luck breaking it... Its REAL tough! (Teleporters technique still work though)
-New water slide visuals for slides/tubes
-2 New Music tracks (Aphex Twin "Watery Big Ez" and "Lichen")
-Added back some cut features and images I meant to add originally, replace AI bacon mario with REAL art (As funny as it was)
-Adjusted some old areas slightly, made them more brighter.
-Added a slime cake because why not, just dont try to eat it!
-A few small bug fixes/changes and removed almost all console errors when launching map ("KeyValues Error" and "Vphysics model error" spam! Yippi clean console is a happy console.
Hope you all enjoy this update! Have fun.