- Reworded the text again using the words people used during the playtest used. ("spiritually koth_hightower" is so true(!) so i just had to change it to that, way more accurate and hopefully gets the message across better.)

- Added a bit more cover again to the point.

- Added a little detailing to BLU side. Includes a new monitor that tells which team is currently in possession of the point.


- Made the building around the exits to the main bridge thinner, so the doorway is symmetrically in the middle of it.

- Fully removed the lower drop-down path as these last few playtests have proven it really wasn't needed lol.

- Reverted some of the grate walkways into glass walkways again, but this time the glass is green lol. (It's so that it's clear that you're walking on a surface, that being glass.)

- Added a cool new vehicle elevator to red side. What purpose does it server gameplay-wise? None, but it looks really cool.

- Fixed minor texture inconsistencies and added more cubemaps.

- Packed custom stoff into a map for the first time! (Just some simple metal truss reskins i made lol.)

- Loading screen photo created (not included in the bsp, just had fun making it!)
Made with a prefab by Lacry found here: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/every-menu-photo.11831/


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- Reworded the message at spawn. I didn't like the previous one. And I still don't feel 100% happy with it, but i feel it's good enough now.
- Added a new hint brush to make it so jumpers, if they jump high enough, won't see the insides of the caves pop in and out.

- The jet particles for the jump pads are now angled to indicate what direction the jump pad will launch you. A great suggestion by Meff! I added this to just the jump pads that are outside and can be accessed from any direction.

- Removed the fences in the cavern areas outside of spawn. These were originally added to avoid spawncamping, but I was suggested by Goom to remove them so,,, we'll see how it goes!

- The map is now brighter, by a lot. Several people have asked for this, so I shall give more power to the people (lightbulbs)!

- Added a new wall underneath the main bridge. This serves to block sightlines and force the average distance for when combat begins to be shorter.

- Added in general slightly more cover to the point.

- Blocked off one of the entrances to the point to make it safer to stand there and so that there's one less angle to worry about when capturing.

- Changed the sign in the base that used to point towards the main bridge. It now points towards it and the window entrance to the point.

- Replaced the planks connecting the point with proper bridges with a pillar and pipes underneath it to cut sightlines. Comes packaged with a new sign to indicate the jump pad below/next to it!

- Changed the displacements near the full health kit.

- Replaced the old one-way door with a different (and better) one-way door to the jump pad next to spawn.

- Extended on of the pillars next to the chicken wire on the main bridge into a wall.

- Added platforms on top of said new wall.

- Fixed a jump pad activating the wrong ambient_generic entity.

- Shortened the diagonal ramps up to the second layer.

- Added some more pipes near the full health kit to make it still possible to get down from the cylindrical tower quickly without fall dmg.

- Changed the medium healtkit near the crocodile waters into the second full health kit. This is to encourage people to come out there more often and to get closer to the crocs, which usually people avoided previously as it's quite far away from the point.

- Cut the metal walls on the catwalks leading up to the cylinder. This makes it possible for scout to jump up to the catwalk (again).

- Wind.

- Punched a hole in the rocky wall that jumpers can now take advantage of. (I really wanna see someone rocket jump through it in a rollout).

- Added text near spawn to answer the two most common questions/comments about the map. If I hear anyone ask or tell me that the map's verticality in theory makes soldiers and demomen oppressive or comment about how the mid feels deathmatchy one more time i will literally explode into a billion pieces.


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There weren't actually that many changes this time around (imo). But I felt like the changes were large enough for another version. I also had way too much fun looking around the map and taking screenshots of it now that I added the fog and shadow entities from hydro to the map.

- Moved a light prop that was a stuck in a wall out of the wall. (nobody told meee!! Gahh.)

- Fixed one of the jump pads firing the wrong particles. Woops, lol. Tbf, I was really tired out when figuring those particles out; not surprised that one slipped by.

- Made the point make a little bit more sense in-universe. Specifically it follows the laws of gravity finally lol.

- Extended the lower ring for the point be a bit wider. You can now fall from the upper ring directly onto the lower ring.

- Changed the cover on the point slightly due to the previous change.

- Added propane flask.

- Changed the pipes into kewl brushwork pipes. (the bad LOD:s on those yellow pipes begone!)

- Continued with minor detailing here and there.

- Computers.

- Added another sign in the caves to better indicate the jump pads in there.

- Clipped the pipes next to the point a bit more to be more flat.

- Added another light; this time on top of the medium health pack under the point.

- Added a new pipe to the pre-existing duo next to the point.

- Adjusted clipping.

- Now includes even better lighting! (and fog.. OooOOohh... fog...)


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Included some more screenshots this time!
Ignore the text in top left.

- added tire

- Added a roof and windows to the windox. (Properly clipped too.)

- Cleaned up some random brushwork around the map. (I do this with most updates, but felt like mentioning it here specifically).

- Fixed some visible nodraw on the red catwalk.

- Added a couple areaportals here and there to prepare for detailing. (And just for the sake of simple optimization too of course.)

- Extended the platform for the jump pad boxes in the caves outside of spawn.

- Continued detailing a lil' bit here and there.

- Completely un-rocked BLU's base. (They only get blue bricks.) Asymmetrical detailing is a goooooo!!

- Un-did a change. The jump pads nearest the point have had their func_catapult triggers be bigger again so they poke out of the hole they're in. Was an experiment, and it wasn't as fun to use.

- Upgraded all of the small jump pads to "Mark II smol Jump Pads"! (they're more smoother to use now.)

- Extended a brush in the nearest-to-mid caves to make them a little more interesting spaces.

- Changed the small ammo packs on top of the corkscrew spiral not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk to medium ammo packs.

- Changed some more textures to better differentiate RED and BLU. RED gets a wooden floor in their base, while BLU gets a concrete floor.

- Made the catwalk around the cylinder look better.

- Fixed the posters for "Binder's popsicle" and "Crummy's burger" on the cylindrical tower to be perfectly aligned. I just had to.

- A lot of small minor adjustments here and there.

- Fixed up the walkway around the windbox to be more proper and permanent looking.


- Moved the window in the sniper nest to be against the wall with the barrel and improved clipping in the area (with blockbullets) to both make explosives more consistent in the area and make moving around the area more smooth.

- red team got bricked up

- Doing a quick test by removing the lower path to mid. I don't like this change, but it's a test that i feel is neccessary to do. It took a lot of deliberation and several alphas for me to finally choose to test this lol.

- The wall in-between the two bases on the bridge has been reverted to be see-through. Feels like that might be better.

- Now whenever it's Halloween or a full moon the skybox changes :3

- Angled the satellite dish slightly differently.

- Combined the two small packs at mid (back) into a medium pack (again lol).

- Changed particle of the jump pads to be the same as the ones on pass_brickyard.

- Changed the mechanics for some of the jump pads to make them more consistent.


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- Added env_tonemap_controller.
- Fixed the light_environment's HDR scale values being off. That's it.

- Thanks Gidi for the help!
- Fixed up the soundscapes a tad. (I noticed the nucleus soundscape i use for the base interiors was playing when standing on any of the platforms between the windbox and the point.

- Changed the brick texture on the windbox to match the one used elsewhere on the map, like the point.

- Changed the chicken wire texture on red side to a metal fence texture. (Felt like it'd fit in better.)

- Changed the chicken wire on top of the catwalk besides the point to a glass texture.

- Changed the glass pane on BLU's side to a metal grate texture to be symmetrical with RED's previously chicken wire, now metal fence, pane. (You can now shoot splash damage through both of them).

- Changed the third (and least used) path outside of spawn. It's far more open now and the lower fence prop has been removed.

- Continued detailing of the... thing to the side of the third catwalk tower outside playable space that I will henceforth dub the [T U B E].

- Continued detailing of the point with a few new textures to replace dev textures.

- When replacing dev textures I've especially focused on replacing orange dev textures in order to make the map look less visually noisy, which is feedback that i got from the playtests (and that I do very much agree with.)

- Added an arch underneath the medium ammo pack in the middle.

- Removed the path underneath the point and split the medium health pack into two small health packs.

- Added blockbullets behind the glass in the side sniper nest area to make it so rockets can't be 'eaten' by accidentally shooting them behind it. I haven't seen this happen in-game so far, but better be safe than sorry.

- Made the cavern area right outside of mid ever so slightly more visually interesting by extending a brush out.

- Added some planks to the windbox's entrances to make it more interesting looking.

- Made the catwalk to the side of the point partly more opaque to help with making the map look less noisy.

- Changed the facade of BLU's base to made of bricks instead of dev textures. (I guess i started feeling like detailing)

- Lowered the start of the trigger_catapult for the jump pads nearest the point. This is to hopefully minimize accidental catapulting.

- added barrl
- Removed shutter doors to the bridge and made the exit slightly larger.

- Added a medium health pack directly below point with a light shining on it.

- Added more solid cover to the point.

- Changed nearly all of the glass on the map to the green version.

- Extended the orange bridge cutting the exits that previously had shutter doors.

- Extended the orange platforms on the side of the windbox.

- Each side has been pushed 128 units further back from mid. So there is now 256 units more between RED and BLU. (This was a surprisingly *un*painful experience.

- Made the areas in the water where you can extinguish yourself a tad better looking.

- Remade the planks leading to the point to fit the fact that they have to reach further.

- After some heavy deliberation, I re-added the small health packs to the cave area.

- Extended the windbox platform all the way to the point.

- Added more team colours to the newest tower.

- Enlarged the lower path (tripled width) to the cave area outside of mid.

- Added a ton more cover to the path up to the third tower.

- Added THE SATELLITE DISH! (with cables!)

- Made the chicken wire on the orange bridge connecting the two bases solid so as to cut visibility.

- Added a wall and pipes to better separate the two teams from each other. Hopefully this will make it safer to be in the lower water area?

- Added another wall where the medium ammo pack used to be.

- Moved the medium ammo pack and it's light due to the wall being added there. (Not that anyone noticed that ammo pack previously anyway. So this will make people see it more too hopefully.)

- Moved the jump pads closest to the point a bit further from it to make the jump up to the point more smooth.
3 Towers Update

- Added light to the back of the windbox to signal that there is a health pack there.

- Added a light onto the full health pack on mid.

- Added power cable somewhere on the map. (Oooh.. spooky)

- Replaced the white patches underneath health packs to an off-blue one instead to stand out better from the white dev texture ground.

- Added another exit from the lower dropdown exit.

- Added a MASSIVE cylinder in the middle of the not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk with two small ammo packs on it.

- Pushed the not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk another a tad bit further from the point once more.

- Moved the jump pads right outside of the cave area to the other side of the exit. It felt better putting them there?

- Added two pits in which you can extinguish yourself in.

- Made some of the lights in the caves brighter.

- Changed clipping on the railings leading to the dropdown.

- Moved a water barrel prop aside to make room for another fire extinguishing water pit. Woo! (I'll be honest, I'm not convinced this a good change, but several people have asked for it, so I thought I might as well try it out.)