- Reworded the text again using the words people used during the playtest used. ("spiritually koth_hightower" is so true(!) so i just had to change it to that, way more accurate and hopefully gets the message across better.)
- Added a bit more cover again to the point.
- Added a little detailing to BLU side. Includes a new monitor that tells which team is currently in possession of the point.
- Made the building around the exits to the main bridge thinner, so the doorway is symmetrically in the middle of it.
- Fully removed the lower drop-down path as these last few playtests have proven it really wasn't needed lol.
- Reverted some of the grate walkways into glass walkways again, but this time the glass is green lol. (It's so that it's clear that you're walking on a surface, that being glass.)
- Added a cool new vehicle elevator to red side. What purpose does it server gameplay-wise? None, but it looks really cool.
- Fixed minor texture inconsistencies and added more cubemaps.
- Packed custom stoff into a map for the first time! (Just some simple metal truss reskins i made lol.)
- Loading screen photo created (not included in the bsp, just had fun making it!)
Made with a prefab by Lacry found here: