3 Towers Update

- Added light to the back of the windbox to signal that there is a health pack there.

- Added a light onto the full health pack on mid.

- Added power cable somewhere on the map. (Oooh.. spooky)

- Replaced the white patches underneath health packs to an off-blue one instead to stand out better from the white dev texture ground.

- Added another exit from the lower dropdown exit.

- Added a MASSIVE cylinder in the middle of the not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk with two small ammo packs on it.

- Pushed the not-so-glassy-anymore catwalk another a tad bit further from the point once more.

- Moved the jump pads right outside of the cave area to the other side of the exit. It felt better putting them there?

- Added two pits in which you can extinguish yourself in.

- Made some of the lights in the caves brighter.

- Changed clipping on the railings leading to the dropdown.

- Moved a water barrel prop aside to make room for another fire extinguishing water pit. Woo! (I'll be honest, I'm not convinced this a good change, but several people have asked for it, so I thought I might as well try it out.)
- Added a way to disable and re-enable the capturing of the point. Use the commands: "ent_fire DisableCap trigger" and "ent_fire EnableCap trigger" respectively to do that. This however doesn't reset the control point's ownership, so if RED owns the point when the relay is fired, then they'll stay as the owner and their timer will still keep ticking down while BLU will be unable to cap. That's something I'd like to change, but as it's not a priority right now I let it be.

- Extended the platform outside of each team's spawn jump pads in the caves. This is to make it easier to not fall off of the side of them and take unnecessary fall damage.

- Changed the ammo packs in the caves from small ones to medium ones.

- Added particles to jump pads.

- Added wooden planks onto the point from the sniper balcony.

- Changed the underwater drop-down exit from each team's base.

- Added lights to the jump pads next to the point to make them stand out even more.

- Added chicken wire on the orange bridge connecting the two shutter doors to mid (To separate sightlines). Experimental change.

- Added a strong light over the medium ammo pack under the bridges. (Hopefully more players will now notice that it's there).

- Moved spawns closer and changed them up a bit.

- Remade the respawn rooms.. again..

- Fixed a hard to describe bug relating to the sound effect for the cave jump pads. (Essentially a sound effect was being played twice).

- Added one more prop to each team's spawns. (For decor)
I didn't want to make some of these changes, but I kept hearing them often, so I thought it'd be worth trying them out. However, now that I've actually implemted them, I kinda vibe with them. I do like this.
These changes are listed in a very unorderly way lol. These were written as I made the changes, so idk, feel free to psycho-analyse my process, if that's even possible lol.

- Increased ammo pickups in the teams' bases from medium to full (to help engie set up on the map maybe?).

- Changed the healthpack in the same area to a small one.

- Switched places of the broken and open windows to make the lower one be able to be walked through.

- Added another two jump pads to... make other classes more viable.

- Increased size of the cap area by a lot.

- Moved the glass ramp walkway back by a bit (64 units).

- Changed the glass walkways in the caves to compensate for the middle walkways being moved.

- Added cover to point. (Yes it took this long to do that lol)

- Added arrows on the jump pads nearest mid to indicate what direction they fling you.

- Added cables to the cave are to 'hold up' the glass walkways in there.

- Added a back entrance to the "windbox" (central launcher).

- Added skull and crossbones sign behind the medium healthpack besides the croc pit (because why not).

- Changed the playerclips around the two prop piles near the large healthpack to blockbullets (probably better that way).

- Increased the speed at which some of the jump pads launch you (this was also an undocumented change that was done on a few of them last time).

- Added a little bit of cute decoration around the place.

- Extended the platform outside of each teams' bases' sniper nest (by 64 units).

- Made the "windbox" more visually interesting by giving it non-dev textures.

- Added a medium healthpack underneath both teams' logos in their bases.

- Made the water exit from the bases.. bigger.

- Added signs.

- Added lights and more ramps up to the two jump pads closest to the point.

- Did some artpassing behind the glass walkway.

- Made the ramps near the cave areas a bit smaller.

- Changed the glass walkways into metal grate walkways.

- Added two new ramps to the orange walkway connecting the bases.

- Added two little platforms to the side of the windbox (to let players avoid fall damage when dropping down from the top platform.

- Added another little platform in the jump pad section right outside of spawn that leads into the team's base.

- Made a few other minor texture changes.

- Added a... little surprise for those playing on TF2maps' servers


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- Added boards on the broken windows to make it more obvious that you can, in fact, not go through them.

- Changed the wooden ramps on either side into wooden planks (to remove the gap that previously had to be jumped and that one could fall through).

- Added signs to mark the non-broken but open window that can be jumped through.

- Changed a few textures next to jump pads to hazard tape to keep consistency.

- Changed values of health and ammo pickups. (2 Medium ammopacks in cave flank changed to small and 2 small healthpacks and 2 small ammopacks in each team's "base" changed to medium).

- Removed two small healthpacks in the cave area and two small ammopacks on either side of the bases.

- Changed the texture on certain glassy brushes around the map to the slightly greener version, in the hopes that they're now more visible.

- Added four new jump pad thingies (heavies rejoice!.. and snipers.. and medics.. and spies.. and. Okay, fine, a lot of classes and players are gonna like this change lol).

- And most importantly.. Changed the texture of an overlay at the central launcher ("Windbox") to a differently and less in-your-face coloured arrow.

Edit: I added the screenshots from a1 onto here to keep the main download page more tidy.


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