- redid the flatbed building to have a second exit going into the ramp and a wall in the middle of it

- removed a bit of the cover on the point. I may remove more in a later update but I'm kind of scared it'll turn it into sniper town if I remove the wrong cover.

- made the main building window bigger

- added a fence to the leftmost route that blocks a sightline people kept complaining about
- moved the healthkits around yet again.

- the small health and ammo just outside the point has been removed and replaced with a medium health and ammo slightly further away

-added a singular medium ammo pack inside the left hallway next to the point. this may be removed if it doesnt add much.

- removed the first floor window of the main building. it added pretty much nothing.

- moved a doorway over to fix a particularly wacky sniper sightline

- replaced some walls you see coming out of spawn with construction fences. this change is purely for detailing
- slightly changed the barbed wire fence

- added a spectator cam

- added another window in the main building. this is an experimental feature so it may be removed later. (i actually added the window last update but forgot to mention it)
- lowered the walls before the point and turned them into see through barbed wire fences. I may lower the walls even more in a later update.

- moved some health kits to be in easier to reach places.

- added patches under each health kit

- fixed several visual bugs that nobody else noticed.
- Fixed error in file name

- added actual roofs to the houses (the reason why it took me so long is because I genuinely kind of liked the flat roof look)
I fixed a compiling error that caused the custom props and textures to not be packed in. thats it. in a perfect world this would still be a1.