
Desolation rc1b

I think with a little more "oomph" and some custom hero props/set pieces, this can be a perfect addition to TF2 as an official map. Crazy to think this map works so well despite having multiple contest-required gimmicks and design choices!
great map!
Desolation, in my opinion, is one of "those" custom maps. The custom maps that I feel deserve to be played in servers across the world, as a permanent slot in their roster, as well as the official game. This map shines so, so brightly among its peers of this year and it's honestly amazing how such a new mapper was able to create a masterpiece like this.

Desolation starts out with its best foot forward, creating such a unique combination of gameplay and atmosphere with its chillingly cold exterior followed by its incredibly unique elevator that leads right into the capture point of the area. The entire point has great combat areas, the flow is super good for BLU (RED does have a few snags which, nrghhh), and overall it feels like a solid area of the map.

Second is where I feel the map sort of slips on the ice (hah), as the back half of it in particular isn't always very satisfying to either attack or defend. Having the point directly next to spawn can work (see Upward), but it needs to be done right, and I feel like it wasn't quite as effective hear. I always love the leadup to the point itself regardless though, there's just something about pushing the cart in that particular path that always resonates with me.

Third in my opinion is probably the most fun and standout 3rd point I've ever played in a TF2 map, maybe barring Upward 3rd in terms of "standing out." It just plays so well, and it feels so good to move around in. I love the theming of it being in a smelting area, and the delay of the rising platform feels so masterfully done and feels so seamless that I don't even register it. I think one thing the area struggles with is making the outer routes of the underground bit more prominent? I felt like I only really used it as a spy, which tbf may be the point but still, it felt somewhat underutilized.

Last is a payload last. That doesn't mean I dislike it by any means, but you can definitely feel there was a struggle to find an identity for this last. That said though, I think the final product is really good. The buildup to last feels solid, it feels like all space in the map is properly utilized by players at all times and it has a strong sense of forebodingness to it before, surprise! There's a massive robot army just *waiting* to be launched! It's a rewarding experience, seeing as there's been hints of this through the map via posters and the like. Last has a lot of fun combat too, with risky but effective routes to flank in both directions as well as just having a really satisfying main path.

To say I love this map would be an understatement. I think it's one of the few maps that I'll have fun on, even on a really bad day. It feels good, it plays good, and it looks good. What more could you ask for in a Payload map? Completely deserves my 10/10.
Last time I played this map with my friends they compared it to upward i.e very good, clear where to go etc although those respawn times make it hellish for blue to win
tyty, and yea respawns are something im looking at but i also dont want to make it hell for red either.