Second's displacements are now are hugely exaggerated
(Coming from Mid) Displacements to the right are more efficient at what they do.
They are larger, meaning you can now walk up the little shed
There is now higher ground to the far right ramp directly connecting to point, this removes the old hump that allowed the jump up to the flank route, hopefully making more interesting gameplay
Displacements still allow for proper rollouts from the route to lobby that is under the point
Displacements on the right allow major changes to Lobby
Displacements are greatly lowered, which allows new rollouts that incorporate this "ramp"
Ramps up to second point from the (Coming from Mid) left side were modified to allow the new displacements to work, while still retaining it's use.
This makes last *about* 64 by 42 HU Longer and taller respectively
Overhauled Lobby:
The whole structure of second and lobby has been raised to allow the D I S P L A C E M E N T O V E R H A U L
More interesting height advantage has been added to lobby
Added "Hay" and a new prop to lobby (WARNING: Chicken Wire and Fence textures don't show, thought they do exist, and have been properly clipped anyways... it's just gonna be weird)
Right (Lobby) has been modified to have a smaller door, but be more interesting to fight on... it's like a pseudo-process ramp
Misc. Changes:
Lighting shouldn't be cripplingly bright at higher settings anymore
Lighting has been lowered, Texture Reflectivity 50% -> 30%
I uploaded the right version this time... Sorry for the 21 people who downloaded the wrong version... S o r r y...
Shutter-esk doors have been added to Mid
(Testing will now be done)
(Screenshots should be up, if not, they will soon)
- Fixed any asymmetrical problems.
- Fixed Displacements
- Did some Minor Optimization; decreased file size
- Deleted any random brushes
- Updated a few textures
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble