
Blocked A11

Added new walkway in elevator area, benefitting Blu
Added ramp to the right side of the cart path leading into the elevator area, and a crate jump onto the second level
Smoothed pathing around the base of the elevator to make it easier to navigate around it
Adjusted cover around elevator shaft
A few small adjustments to the new opening area
Adjusted blu's last spawn point location
All new experimental opening area courtesy of Pear
A few small tweaks to the rest, I don't remember
Fixed missing faces
Redid displacements on last to provide less cover for blu while pushing the cart into the final cap
Added new upper area that the smaller elevator can lift you up to, overlooking the choke point going towards last (should benefit Blu pushing through), access to this area opens up after second to last capture
Removed the ramp going up to upper access door overlooking the first capture room, this should limit it to only being usable by jumping classes, now
Adjusted some of the cover on the tower on last
Slightly increased spawn timer for red after second to last capture
Lowed elevator speed back down slightly (35% to 28%) now that the lock half way up is working
Fixed missing filter on Red's spawn slide drop down door trigger (thanks Midnite)
Remade tower on last with a more usable second level on it, with some added cover. Also put it in an instance to make future changes easier.
Added a lock on the elevator after the cart passes half way, finally!
Finale explosion now kills players, as a treat
A bunch of small changes, I forget
Opened up a new route connecting the spiral staircase in the back corner of the elevator area to the middle level of platforms, giving Blu another way up, and making the spiral staircase much more useful
Added gate covering the front of the top of the elevator that opens when the cart locks into place at the top, this will force Red to push out around the tower more to stop Blu's ride up
Adjusted cover around elevator area to further advantage Blu, having made it very difficult to push through
Slightly sped the elevator up more (30% to 35%)
Further reduced the delay time on the walls by 1 second more each
Sped up the movement speed of the cart as it is drilling through walls
Disabled rollback off the elevator once the cart has been loaded on, to help prevent issues with the elevator syncing
Bumped up the time added on capture after the third cap
Added some nobuilds around the elevator to prevent various exploits/ bugs
Sped the elevator up a bit (from 20% regular cart speed to 30%)
Readded some cover in elevator area
Readded ramp up to top of elevator area
Added some minor props around to help visualize the theme
Shrank the payload cart slightly
Lessened the delay before the walls break by a second, each
More health/ ammo adjustments
Fixed a few spawn room related bugs (thanks Midnite!)
Readded/ adjusted some of the cover around the elevator area, having successfully managed to make it holdable with the last version
Removed the logic that rotates the ramps around the elevator area as an experiment, I may have been overthinking this
Added a new walkway and platform on last as a quick experiment to give red a bit more high ground
Temporarily hid one of the newer ramps climbing up the tower, as it felt like it made it too easy to push up for Blu ahead of the cart
Removed a wall dividing two paths in the choke hallway just after the third capture area, which should widen the gameplay space out a bit for Blu, and make it hard to hold that corner for Red
Adjusted cover around last a bit, and added a new upper walkway
Fixed the logic for the breakable walls having the possibility to fire more than once
A few minor clipping fixes
Adjusted respawn wave times
Adjusted some health and ammo placement
Fixed some spawn triggers not covering the entire first spawn (thanks Midnite!)
Dramatically opened up the areas around the elevator and changed some of the geometry around to be a bit more interesting
Slowed the elevator down significantly
Opened up the left flank exit of Blu's first spawn so they are more exposed while using it (Thanks for the suggestions, Diva Dan!)
In the process of the previous change, shrank the defense focused building next to the cart path down, leaving much less room to stand in it hidden from Blu
Changed the dynamic red-side upper walkways in the elevator area of the map to rotate up after second capture, instead of the first, this should give Red a bit more elevation and make it easier to rotate around the area before its captured
Added some new small walkways in the upper elevator area
Lowered how much time is added to the clock after each capture
Fixed a bug that auto-pushed the cart after the wall breaks (Thanks YOYOYO!)
Added a nobuild on top of the drop down hatch leading into the elevator area (Thanks Midnite!)
Added some more resupply cabinets to Blu's initial spawn room
Fixed spawn points that weren't supposed to be active for Blu after the second capture (again... different ones... shut up)
Added new smaller route into first capture room, providing a small amount of height for Blu to take advantage of to help break a hard hold
Removed some cover that had benefitted red from first capture area
Changed the delay blocker walls after first cap to a hard stop for 6 seconds each wall as the cart drill through, rather than just a slow down, as it ended up not being much of a delay with a large group pushing
Shrank the cart slightly
Added new upper path/ ramps just after third capture to help blu break any strong holds just before the corner going to the last point
Added ramp giving blu a small amount of height coming out of spawn
Added more area portals with linked doors to some of the dynamic doors that change after captures, and a big area portal window that should help with optimization a bit
Adjusted health and ammo further, mostly shifted some things around
Fixed a few doors that were clipping through into gameplay areas
Slowed the elevator down slightly