
Blocked a20

Overhauled the elevator and surrounding area significantly, the elevator is now 2 levels
Changed a bunch around the opening area
Adjusted health/ ammo placement and size, including adding a new full pack over the deathpit in the opening area
Did some clipping and other small tweaks
There's some weird shadows now, I dunno, maps haunted
Added a new staircase on last leading the lower area under to the upper platform, giving red a better way to rotate up from down there
Changed/ added cover around last a bunch, mostly benefitting red
Added railing to upper building facing the first cap building and one way window, benefitting blu
Added a new balcony/ exit on the structure between first spawn and the first cap building
Did some light flow adjustments around the map
Opened up blu's first spawn interior some
Added 1-2 seconds to the spawn timer for red on last
Added some more signage around the map
Did some light clipping
Some other stuff I can't keep track of all of this stuff, stop reading so closely
Opened upper building on the corner leading to first capture building
Added another minor death pit in the first area
Adjusted ground outside of last to minimize chance of fall damage for Red
Some other minor stuff
Oops I made a mistake, here's the right version
Further changed the cover around the elevator, opening up the top a bit more in the process
Rebuilt the flank to the top of the tower
Added a deathpit in the opening area
Simplified the area to the left of the elevator, heading up
Did a few other small tweaks, I dunno, pear changed a bunch, it's his fault if its broken :)
Changed cover around last
Added new structure on last, benefitting Red
Removed back smaller elevator area behind the large elevator and added some new ramps, as an experiment
Added new dynamic doors blocking the flank route behind the third capture point
Moved third cap back further again at the top of the elevator tower
Removed one of the one way windows looking into last, and made another on that same side two-way
Made the death pit on last more OSHA compliant
Tweaked some lighting to help the gameplay (mostly around doors)
Continued some optimization work
Changed routing and cover around the elevator area, simplifying a number of routes and opening the elevator up more
Changed ramp area going to left flank route into last significantly
Moved first cap point further into the building
Opened up first cap point building interior more, as a treat
Fixed dynamic door leading into the elevator area not opening on correct capture
Slowed the elevator down some
Changed little bits of cover all over the map, lots of little tweaks, it's getting close
Adjusted health and ammo
Changed upper routing into last for blu, removed walkway leading to it for red
Blocked off some of the upper platform on last
Added new route past the brutal choke point at the top of the elevator tower
Added more breakable walls that opens up the side path when the drill cart breaks through, keeping it divided off more when that side isn't broken open
Added one way door by red's forward spawn to help simplify the flow when coming from the other way
Moved third capture point closer to the top of the elevator
Removed ramp up to the upper platform for red on last and removed the dynamic door that would normally block that route, now benefitting Blu more
Added walkway primarily benefitting blu on the longer route leading to the upper area of the elevator area
Added some dynamic changing walls to simplify pathing for Red's initial roll out
Adjusted some cover in a few places
Fixed broken resupply cabinet in red forward spawn
Adjusted some health and ammo, I think, I forget
I dunno probably some more stuff
Added new exit route for Blu's first forward spawn that opens up after capture of the second point
Improved the first forward spawn exit area to benefit blu
Added some more micro gameplay elements around the map to make things more interesting
Adjusted health/ ammo
Added railing around the upper area of the finale death pit to benefit Red
Added a new dropdown benefitting blu on the third level looking into the elevator area
Pulled third capture point back closer to the elevator
Adjusted upper walkway flank leading into last to make it more difficult to utilize for Red (keeping an eye on this, though)
Added one way windows on the right side balcony looking into last for Blu
Cleaned up a bunch of sightlines and weird edges
Fixed a number of small bugs and issues (thanks Midnite!)
Lots of gameplay changes, all new last, elevator area overhauled, lots of areas opened up more.
Increased levels of map in the map