The layout of interior spaces


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 23, 2014
After receiving feedback from my map in a couple imps, I got several comments saying that the connection between the points was maze like. I understood the criticism and I knew it would be a complaint but I was unsure how to streamline the routes without it being straight lines, and therefore boring. (Not to mention sightline issues.) I was wondering if there are any general tips for designing connectors. I've tried looking at in game maps and it helps a bit but I'm still struggling. (If it's relevant, I'm making a 2Cp Atk/def map)

Thanks for your time.


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
The first and obvious response is look at how considered-good, official or not, maps manage to do interior and what it takes them.
Then, designing interior layout isn't vastly different from designing open spaces, they are nearly indivisible parts of planning a map. You should have the reasonable routes, choke points, such elements. In my mind, space being interior is more of a secondary property, not a defining one.


Sep 1, 2013
I take the criticism of maze-like to mean that the route is unfun or interesting to play in. Or simply indistinguishable. It might help us understand the criticism if you could provide pictures, but..

In general any route/pathway shouldn't be a space you only walk in, but another arena that players can fight in. You may have simple paths connecting each area at the moment, but however simple they may be they need to be distinguishable and fun.

Look at cp_process for example. For the most part the exteriors are open/terraced spaces for smooth soldier/scout fun. However the flanks from mid to second are interiors that have their own height differences and gameplay elements. They are combat arenas on their own, even if they act as small connectors between the two control point arenas.

Another form of connection you should consider is the lobby of 5cp maps before last. I tend to like picturing snakewater or gullywash (while process does sort of have a lobby it doesn't really function the same). The lobby really works as a sort of large room connector where each path is somewhat visible to the players holding inside. It offers multiple entries and exits while also acting as a sort of choke to reduce backcaps. The core takeaway from lobbies though is that you don't necessarily need 3 or 2 separate routes, you can combine and intertwine.

I'll try to add more examples/pictures when I'm not on my phone, if you'd like.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
I think an important idea here is "flow" - which directions do players naturally go in? How smoothly does that help them reach their goals? Does the detailing and lighting draw their eyes and then their movement to the correct places? If a player wants to flank, or get up high, can they do that without knowing the layout already?


Feb 7, 2008
Viaduct has some good connectors, which I think all follow these basic rules:
  • The exits and entrances don't line up. The path from one door to the other has to bend because there isn't a nice straight line between them.
  • They are simple. Even though they do have corners, there's only one or two before you reach the other side.
  • They are small. Small doorways/connectors are good at preventing sightlines through them.
However, they're all very small, which may or may not be applicable to what you're doing.

Another map worth studying is Gorge, as it does a good job of blurring the line between connector and "proper" gameplay space. Instead of using small connector areas to join areas, it just has very clever uses of corners and height changes to block sightlines between areas. Consider how, in this room, a Red player needs to drop down from the stairs if they want to see further out the door in the back of the picture. Also consider how that same door blocks sightlines without significantly hurting the flow through it.


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 23, 2014
I have made some serious changes thanks to the suggestions offered here. Thanks.


L3: Member
Jan 14, 2017
I'm working on a new KOTH map and I need a good neutral colour for the lighting at main. any help would be heavily appreciated?


L3: Member
Jan 14, 2017
Hello, I'm currently working on a new KOTH map using the construction pack and need help looking for a neutral colour for the spotlights looking at the point. any help?


L5: Dapper Member
Aug 23, 2014
I'd personally leave them white but that's just me.