People Feedback


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
When I was play testing with other players on my map today. It seemed liked a lot of players not all but alot. Seem to be negative about the map. Not one person said keep up the good work or it's good but here are the flows. It was just nothing but negative towards the map, and there was nothing positive said about the map. Also many people sounded like they thaugh that they were above me due to map being not all good when they talked threw their mics. I think the players who gives feedback to newer mapper should be more positive then negative. Negative will just destroy the new mapper self of steam. So map tester try to be more positive will your criticize of a new players map.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe they were giving you constructive criticism, but were doing it a bad way?


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe they were giving you constructive criticism, but were doing it a bad way?
They would be doing in a this map is bad. I look down on you. I am better then you tone of voice. I don't mind criticism. I took that criticism and made the newest update.


Certified in best in fun
Dec 12, 2012
I can see from the feedback site they're not trying to be negative, just informative

Most players in imps will make very very quick comments about things while playing, these comments are quick and too the point, and aren't meant to be taken personally. They're making comments about your map because they care to improve the map as much as you do. There might be the occasional "this map is bad" comments, but don't like that stop you from improving your map. They're not talking to you in an "above you" type of manner, they're pointing out things as quickly as they can.

As a new mapper, you always have a lot to learn. You'll realize soon enough about what kinds of strategies your maps invoke, and better able to control them down the line as you get experience crafting your gameplay spaces in your maps. You'll learn about what kinds of spaces people find fun and not fun, what is balanced and not balanced, what feels too big or too small, and these take time by observing how people play and how they react in different maps in different situations. I highly suggest you try playing other maps in our imp to see what kinds maps people enjoy playing on, and what personally you enjoy.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
I can see from the feedback site they're not trying to be negative, just informative

Most players in imps will make very very quick comments about things while playing, these comments are quick and too the point, and aren't meant to be taken personally. They're making comments about your map because they care to improve the map as much as you do. There might be the occasional "this map is bad" comments, but don't like that stop you from improving your map. They're not talking to you in an "above you" type of manner, they're pointing out things as quickly as they can.

As a new mapper, you always have a lot to learn. You'll realize soon enough about what kinds of strategies your maps invoke, and better able to control them down the line as you get experience crafting your gameplay spaces in your maps. You'll learn about what kinds of spaces people find fun and not fun, what is balanced and not balanced, what feels too big or too small, and these take time by observing how people play and how they react in different maps in different situations. I highly suggest you try playing other maps in our imp to see what kinds maps people enjoy playing on, and what personally you enjoy.
I am not saying that I won't take in their feedback. I have, just look at the newest update. And it is hard to hear what they are saying threw the writing. Their feedback does help me improve the map I just wish they did it in a kinder way. And not being dickish.

Edit: it is not much the criticism about the map. I love it. It helps me become a better mapper but it was how they were saying the criticism and the tone of their voice.


May 12, 2013
I just wish they did it in a kinder way. And not being dickish.
I can't see how messages like "Blu spawn roof has a backwards texture", "you get stuck here" or "this prop has no collision" is dickish. You have to keep in mind that people are writing these things while ingame, potentialy very close to a fight, in a chat window. These type of messages have basically no emotion. Just imagine in your head a robot voice reading these things out load. There is nothing positive nor negative, it's just a bunch of things that you should do or otherwise know about.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
I can't see how messages like "Blu spawn roof has a backwards texture", "you get stuck here" or "this prop has no collision" is dickish. You have to keep in mind that people are writing these things while ingame, potentialy very close to a fight, in a chat window. These type of messages have basically no emotion. Just imagine in your head a robot voice reading these things out load. There is nothing positive nor negative, it's just a bunch of things that you should do or otherwise know about.
Yeah because those are the ones that they wrote but not spoken out.


Sep 23, 2011
Not being given heaps of praise is the default. Nobody is going to praise stuff in general unless you ask them for the general opinion specifically.


Feb 14, 2010
Hey I was also in the test of your map earlier today.

I think the tones of the playtesters over the microphone may have been exaggerated a bit, particularly towards the end of the playtest because we had played the map for several rounds by then. Typically as well in early alpha maps there are general large issues with the gameplay of the map which are uncovered relatively quickly into the round, and then playing the map for a while later just keeps retreading those issues..

I think the map was interesting and had a lot of unique gameplay spaces that felt pretty fresh and interesting, but there were some extremes (mentioned in the written feedback) like the choke points that put a damper on things.


Feb 7, 2008
Most maps don't get praise outside of the WIP thread, beta 1 map updates, mappers with a good reputation, or maps that start off bad and get better. You're a ways away from the first three, but I think the last one is within your grasp if you keep at it.


Jul 31, 2009
Praise should be earned. Praise by default is empty and meaningless. If you're after empty and meaningless praise this is not the place for you. If you're after praise for making something good then expect to have to put the work in like we all did. You or your map does not improve from people telling you it's good.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
Most maps don't get praise outside of the WIP thread, beta 1 map updates, mappers with a good reputation, or maps that start off bad and get better. You're a ways away from the first three, but I think the last one is within your grasp if you keep at it.
I am not looking for praise. I am just looking for some positivity. And not just negative.


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Nobody's being negative.
Now, you should be glad you're getting the feedback you are getting. What people wrote on that page is informative, not in the slightest rude, and will assist you in improving the map. A "This map is good" is useless. A little less, but so is a "Keep up the good work". However, pointing out mistakes and flaws is what should be done. What you're calling positive feedback simply has no place in the feedback section - why tell the author not to change something when there are things that should be changed to talk about?


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
Nobody's being negative.
Now, you should be glad you're getting the feedback you are getting. What people wrote on that page is informative, not in the slightest rude, and will assist you in improving the map. A "This map is good" is useless. A little less, but so is a "Keep up the good work". However, pointing out mistakes and flaws is what should be done. What you're calling positive feedback simply has no place in the feedback section - why tell the author not to change something when there are things that should be changed to talk about?

I am not saying don't point out the flaws Do point them out. But due give some positive reinforcement to make the mapper do better. If you only hit the mapper with negative then that mapper maybe would stop mapping all together. I think people should say " Keep up the good work but here are something you want to change or This map is good for a beginner but here are something you would want to change."


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Well if you think people should say it, whenever you're reading a feedback message, append the actual feedback to a "keep up the good work, but " in your head. If you need people to tell if you're doing a good job, pop in either of the chats and ask them if you're doing a good job. Feedback pages aren't the place for it a "map's good, but ..." is a waste of writing time (and remember, half of the feedback notes are written between fights)


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
Well if you think people should say it, whenever you're reading a feedback message, append the actual feedback to a "keep up the good work, but " in your head. If you need people to tell if you're doing a good job, pop in either of the chats and ask them if you're doing a good job. Feedback pages aren't the place for it a "map's good, but ..." is a waste of writing time (and remember, half of the feedback notes are written between fights)
There was only one person on this site that gave some positive thing. And that was after the criticism. And when I was in there testing with the other players, nobody said good job or it's a okay map.


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
Are you reading what I'm writing? It seems to me you're clicking quote button, alter your message a little and post it again.


War Paints Everywhere
Apr 26, 2015
Are you reading what I'm writing? It seems to me you're clicking quote button, alter your message a little and post it again.
I am reading your message and I am telling you what I think how people can improve on testing maps by having some positive. Now I due get the !fb being rushed and being in combate but if you are talking over the mic. You can spare a second or two to say good job. Spareing two seconds are not long and it will help the mapper in the long run.