WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


Jun 9, 2009
I remember that map!


L2: Junior Member
Jun 23, 2009
I remember that map.

Can't say that the huge steel antena on top of a simple and weak wooden structure sells to me though.


Jun 9, 2009
Radar dish at Gpit A sits on a thin metal roof :3


L2: Junior Member
Jun 23, 2009
I'm gonna suppose you meant B. And there the wholes tructure seems to support it. It's not that it sits on a weak surface is that the wood beams supporting that surface seem too simple and weak.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
No, he meant A.

Clearly you've never played gravelpit.


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009

Both gpit and that map I remember look stable enough to me. Plus its on a metal structure, not wood...


L11: Posh Member
Mar 4, 2009
Portable water...I guess it kinda makes (little) sense when compared with potable, as in potable like a plant?


Feb 1, 2009
New haaaattt

The legendary crown of the KoTH
the circle thing in the middle will have the tf2 logo in it

Edit: more progress. But I think I'll take a break now since unwrapping is a pain
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L1: Registered
Oct 30, 2010
[untitled] so far...

Hi all, Ive already introduced myself so here I be, posting in the WIP section already :)

Ive been working on a somewhat simple map, not going for anything super-extravagant, but going for a good looking and fun to play map. After all, a map can look beautiful, but if the layout and gameplay aren't there its still not fun.

This map is loosely intended to be an alternative to 2Fort. Its small to medium in size and should provide similar yet distinctly different gameplay than 2fort. Spamming doorways wont be as effective as it sometimes can be on 2 fort, and sniping should be a little more centered on the collective goal as opposed to the snipers basically having their own war going on up on the battlements. I made an effort to balance both the exterior areas as well as interior to make all classes have a decent shot no matter where you go, without catering to specific classes in specific areas.

I have a little done so far, and though I probably cant get a lot of truly helpful feedback just yet, Id like whatever ya got. Here are a few very early screens; almost no lighting is done and little detail so far. I understand the importance of these things, so I ask that you dont point out the fact that it needs some. (suggestions on exactly what to put where are cool though)

This shot show the loading dock and the smaller battlement (unfinished). Just above the bonk can is a path that avoids most of the sniper's views' and connects both main entrances. You can either jump in the dock or go in the doorway.

This one shows a central path to take to avoid sniper fire for the most part. to the left is an alcove of trees which will house a little ammo and health pickup. You can just see one of the battlements to the right above the rock. The other battlement is completely blocked from here.

This shot shows the main battlement where most of the sniping action will probably be taking place. You can rocket or sticky jump on top and drop in through the holes in the roof. To the left on the other side of the pines is a mostly shielded route to tke to completely avoid this area. You can also sneak around to the right of the security shack, behind some more pines and a rock formation. There will be a vehicle or two slapped in here later.

This one shows the player emerging from a covered area mostly free of sniper threat. Im still deciding whether I should completely shield this route or leave it open at the final approach.

View from the main battlement. (im hanging off the edge) Still figuring out how to possibly add some more cover for the central route, without spamming pines throughout the map. Its a short distance to get out of sniper view, so playtesting will most likely be how I decide what to do with it.

So there it is so far. Ive got most of the interior layout finished but no lighting in place so no screens either. The idea of the map is that both sides will be symmetrical, meaning after Im 100% done with one side's initial layout I will copy the whole thing, flip it, retexture and detail it and snap it in place. Nothing fancy, just a simple layout inside and out to provide a fun, fast paced not too hard and not too easy game. Fans of 2fort will probably enjoy this one, and people who hate 2fort will proabably dislike this one too.
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L1: Registered
Oct 30, 2010
Saw one of these posted a few days ago figured Id post mine

CP_Ice_bound_Inferno aka Shadow Moses Island
(The name is reference to the Metal Gear Online Shadow Moses map of the same name)

My map will include
-Docks (Red Spawn)
-Heliport (Point 1)
-Tank Hanger
-Snow field 1(Point 2)
-Nuclear Warhead Storage Building (Currently Under Construction)
-Snow field 2 & Communication Towers(Points 3 & 4)
-Blast Furnace (Point 5)
-Casting Facility (Blue Spawn)

Here is a pic of the helipad

I need a concrete snow blend texture any one have one?

Find one yet? I have one from HL2 EP1...I saw a few textures from HL2 in here so Im assuming they work?? I have a snow/metal blend or two as well.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
looks really nice. careful with the pines- they block player view, but not sentries.
If you want feedback, create a thread in the maps section with these pictures and a map.

Find one yet? I have one from HL2 EP1...I saw a few textures from HL2 in here so Im assuming they work?? I have a snow/metal blend or two as well.

Half-life textures, are, unless used VERY sparingly, a no-no. anything large enough to need a blend is too big.