I'm seeing a fair bit of glow around the letters. What mipmap options did you use?
For that matter, I really wish VTFEdit let us do the rescaling ourselves instead of trying to recreate whatever method Valve uses. I suspect they use bilinear interpolation in Photoshop or something.
@ stevehepocket i'm using the basic options of Paint.Net (since i have photoshop on my usb,but i work better with this and i've installed even a vmt filter for it)
I can assure that there is no glove in game, i've tested by myself by launching a map i'm making
I tried that originally, but unfortunately it looked pretty bad. I will try to tilt the hat a bit more for that wacky pyro-esque look; depends on how much modifiying I can do without messing up the jigglebones (I really really don't want to redo those, lol).
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