11:37 PM - weapon_penguin: Adrian Tyrone Snow walked into the store in the middle of a robbery, with suspects Giovannte Maddox and Demarkus Williams having already tied up an employee of the store. It was when they tried to restrain Snow, who resisted, that he was shot twice, later dying in an Atlanta hospital...
11:38 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: Hmmn
11:38 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: Bullsquid and.. Zombine?
11:38 PM - weapon_penguin: ahahaha
11:38 PM - weapon_penguin: I want to name my presumably asian/white child Demarkus just to fuck with people
Snacks disconnected.
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Moosε is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
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11:53 PM - A Boojum Snark: matt
11:53 PM - A Boojum Snark: "to go"
11:53 PM - A Boojum Snark: or just "left"
11:53 PM - A Boojum Snark: Assuming the major point is killing enemies.
11:53 PM - A Boojum Snark: There is no need to specify them.
11:54 PM - A Boojum Snark: or "targets", if that sounds alright in the context of your game
11:54 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: Late but still useful. Thanks
11:55 PM - A Boojum Snark: I have timestamps on, I am aware when you asked
11:55 PM - A Boojum Snark: but it was barely off the top and nobody answered you
11:55 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: I know you have timestamps on
11:55 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: In your crazy time format
11:55 PM - A Boojum Snark: I am surprised you remember.
11:55 PM - A Boojum Snark: and it's not crazy!
11:55 PM - A Boojum Snark: it's proper
11:56 PM - Yarr! Phill: ahh I love Community
11:56 PM - A Boojum Snark: Besides, not having a colon saves ONE BYTE PER LINE
11:57 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: O:!
11:57 PM - weapon_penguin: wow
11:57 PM - weapon_penguin: guys help
11:57 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: :?
11:57 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: Are you low on fish again
11:57 PM - weapon_penguin: joking about naming my unborn child Demarkus is making me think about kids
11:58 PM - Matt | Luxel Operation: Think about punching them while they're still in the womb, think about how horrible of a father you would be, think about how you won't have kids
11:58 PM - weapon_penguin: second one
Moosε is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
11:59 PM - weapon_penguin: ugh gonna dream about this now