Upward Turns 1!


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
Yeah. Another one of those.

FLASHBACK: July 8, 2010. Upward is released. It's so awesome it's used as the background for a teaser image of the Engi Update.
CURRENT DAY: July 8, 2011. Upward is a year old. We must celebrate.

When: July 8, 2011 at 7:00pm ET (4:00pm Pacific)
Where: Cafe of Broken Dreams!
What: Iikka Day. A celebration of all things Iikka in TF2.
Who: You!
Why: Special Guests!

Friday, July 8th at 7:00pm Eastern, we will be playing all of Iikka's maps in order of release date. Now, you all might hate Nucleus and Doublecross, but there will be Special Guests* and Gift Bombs**! PLUS, I will be giving random items and hats*** to people throughout the night! So I expect all of you to be there. If there is a password for the server, the chatroom will let you know.

*The guy that made those maps!
**If you could spend a couple bucks on some Secret Saxtons or a Gift Bomb, I'd love you.
***Donate hats to Littleedge and I'll give them out.
Last edited:
Jan 20, 2010
I actually had to double take for a second when you said Upwards is a year old. I remember it coming out and going :O:O:O Still one of my favorite maps.
Mar 23, 2010
badlands, nucleus, upwards, doublecross

do we have to play hydro


Nov 25, 2008
D'awww, I can understand why it has to be at a time that I can't make, but the annoying thing is I could have stayed up TONIGHT to go to it, but not tomorrow :p
Hope you kids have fun


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
D'awww, I can understand why it has to be at a time that I can't make, but the annoying thing is I could have stayed up TONIGHT to go to it, but not tomorrow :p
Hope you kids have fun

It is the 8th, not tomorrow.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
Resident Complimented-By-Dario Awesome Person, func_door (Ardy) has accepted my request to host Iikka Day on the Cafe of Broken Dreams! You know what that means! NO LAG! YEAH!

More info will be posted after I wake up. Realize that Iikka's made five maps: Hydro, Badlands, Nucleus, Doublecross, and Upward.
Jun 19, 2009
Resident Complimented-By-Dario Awesome Person, func_door (Ardy) has accepted my request to host Iikka Day on the Cafe of Broken Dreams! You know what that means! NO LAG! YEAH!

More info will be posted after I wake up. Realize that Iikka's made five maps: Hydro, Badlands, Nucleus, Doublecross, and Upward.

Mar 23, 2010
Resident Complimented-By-Dario Awesome Person, func_door (Ardy) has accepted my request to host Iikka Day on the Cafe of Broken Dreams! You know what that means! NO LAG! YEAH!

More info will be posted after I wake up. Realize that Iikka's made five maps: Hydro, Badlands, Nucleus, Doublecross, and Upward.

ikka wont be able to hear my sexy voice