
Apr 13, 2009
when you look in the decompiled pipeline you see some light spots that just cast light from the sky, no visible source. You should check those ;)

I think those are meant to represent the light from the 'many bulbs hanging from a cable' things, in a more simple and efficient way than assigning a light for every single bulb (this would probably look either too dark or overbright depending on te brightness used)


L5: Dapper Member
Nov 11, 2008
LOL. While the screenshots still look too dark I'm willing to concede that until I play it in-game I'm not going to judge. It's not somethign to get riled up over however, for now just focus on the layout and if you're first test is full of players saying it's too dark, well, there you go. Otherwise you're chill!

Anyway I love the concept of the loop around onto a sniper roost, however it looks like you may have a problem after a cart passes into a teams base. Each opposing team needs to be able to loop behind eachother enough that they can get on the cart, however it appears the only alternate route is actually further away from the cart. Consider an alternate route that gets you above the turn.


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 9, 2008
Guys, I REALLY appreciate all the discussion about the routes and the moonlight and all that. I really do. But I would like to straighten some things out before there is any more talk about gameplay.

1) At first, yes I did try to make it appear moonlit. But when everyone started saying it was too dark I at least tripled the brightness from pipeline's settings (yes I used pipeline's sun settings). It might as well be a daytime map now.

2) There are additional lights in the map and it is not just environmental light. I had placed those in my map before I did any changes to the light_environment.

3) If I can't figure out why everyone is seeing my map differently than me I am not going to keep working on it until I straighten out this brightness junk.

For now, I am just going to make it into a daytime map for testing and gameplay and all that. Pics to come later.

Edit: Also, Hojo, I know you can't tell from the pics, but there is a way to get to the cap point / sniper roost. The teams spawn right in front of the point so they don't have to walk all the way across the stage to get to it.
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L5: Dapper Member
Mar 9, 2008
Alright folks, changed the map to daytime. It will be a daytime map until the gameplay of Thunderhead is set in stone and I can start detailing.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
It could just be a gamma thing related to vid card.

I always adjust the level in my screenshots to make them visible for posting. And this is in outdoor areas with Valve lighting and looks fine in game.

So don't tweak your map because of how people say the screens look, use Valve lighting and it'll be just fine in game. Just tweak the screens so people can easily see them.


L2: Junior Member
Apr 10, 2009
You crazy kids and your contests. Layout is interesting. Design is going to fluxtuate so I'll refrain from commenting on layout until you've got something more final. What surprises me is how involved this content is given that I happen to know for a fact that you JUST started on it.
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L3: Member
Apr 12, 2008
I dont know why people in this community are so against a dim/dark map. Your map looks bright enough to tell which team the other player is on and if there is any threats around. I am having a similar issue on my map with complaints of it being too dark. I am increasing the lightening, but I would increase it to a point I am not happy with how it looks. I have come to find that people who have problems with dark maps run tf2 in window mode. Since you are the creator of the map you are blinded by what other people see. Have someone else that is complaining about the brightness go around the map and take screen shots of places that they feel is too dark. That should help you address problems better than just increasing every light.


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
1) At first, yes I did try to make it appear moonlit. But when everyone started saying it was too dark I at least tripled the brightness from pipeline's settings (yes I used pipeline's sun settings). It might as well be a daytime map now.

2) There are additional lights in the map and it is not just environmental light. I had placed those in my map before I did any changes to the light_environment.

3) If I can't figure out why everyone is seeing my map differently than me I am not going to keep working on it until I straighten out this brightness junk.

Because in your screenshots all we see is the env_ lighting. No ambiance lighting, or source lighting so it looks VERY dark as it would without those.

So long as you have the pipeline env_ you should be fine =)


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 9, 2008
Because in your screenshots all we see is the env_ lighting. No ambiance lighting, or source lighting so it looks VERY dark as it would without those.

So long as you have the pipeline env_ you should be fine =)

Gah, ok. I see what people were saying now. I'm too lazy to post screenies and update the map and all that, but I will change it back to a dark theme when I post about the next stage.


L6: Sharp Member
May 28, 2008
Way too dark. Of course, be aware if you're using the plr_pipeline settings for the light_environment that it's supposed to be that dark. If you want to emulate that map's lighting, you need a lot of light_spot entities and whatnot to light up the playing area.

Regardless, keep it up. It looks interesting. I like how the checkpoints are "out of the way" of the teams' starting points, that way you have to make a concerted effort to go after the attackers instead of just shooting at them in passing from the safety of your resupply room.


L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
He said he's keeping it day right now until he can get detailing done, and then he'll add the cool lighting (which is the best approach to night-time maps)


L2: Junior Member
May 13, 2009
It looks fine to me.


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 9, 2008
Added a small water pit in the middle of stage 1 to nerf pyro action a bit.



L1: Registered
Jan 22, 2009
Just tried this on our 32 man server. The size feels just right, could be a little bigger but not too big of a deal. Maybe an extra tunnel or so going under the middle of the map? The other alternate routes are a little too far out of the way to be too effective except those by the points. Also, your setup is broken. We had a fun brawl before the round even started.


L5: Dapper Member
Mar 9, 2008
Just tried this on our 32 man server. The size feels just right, could be a little bigger but not too big of a deal. Maybe an extra tunnel or so going under the middle of the map? The other alternate routes are a little too far out of the way to be too effective except those by the points. Also, your setup is broken. We had a fun brawl before the round even started.

Whoops, you must have downloaded a broken version >.>

Thanks for the input, the setup is no longer broken now. I will add a fixed download later. Also, more pictures! :D. I have been experimenting with lighting on the first stage.




uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
Lighting is getting there

I'd crank up the brightness on your spots a little more, my 2 cents


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
Unfortuneatly I wasn't on the server when this got played last night but I did capture a demo. There wern't a whole lot of people on the server when this was played but the people that were on seemed to like it based on the ratings.

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L3: Member
Feb 28, 2009
I think the lighting in the pics in the opening post are phenomenal. The more you make it look like pipeline, the less people are going to want to play it. I mean you can obviously see that the layout is like pipeline. I would stay with very bright lighting to get it away from being an exact copy.