The Construction Pack is Now Live

Mar 23, 2010
cp contest is gonna be flooded with construction themed entries. not a bad thing at all i guess.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Guys, this is a really great pack. I mean it, good work. You're adding a good amount of very flexible assets that can be combined with every theme out there, thus essentially broadening the visual style of a theme two-fold.

You should all be commended for your efforts! I'm also looking forward to playing hardhat.

Having said that, there are some things I have to point out. They're all minor for the most part, but should be mentioned.

When you've got a detail prop like this, something that's just essentially round, you really have to have more rounding polygons. It can be afforded.

Same thing here, and additionally, the seam is really not too pleasing. You could always hide it in the back. Oh well.

With these, you can see the collision mesh issue with both of them. If they're used prominently like the barrels are, they become gameplay items. And bad collision meshes are bad. Given these or the stock wire spools, I'd pick the stock ones. Makes these a little obsolete then.


Maybe this excavator is too modern? That's my only complaint with it. Other than that it's quite excellently made.

Lighting origin's minor but it can make a difference between 20 seconds of work and unneeded compile + doh! + fix session, which is going to cost more than 20 seconds.

And my grief with these models are that they're just plain boring. :( It's the texture work mostly. If more attention was spent I feel they'd be nice but now I hope no one uses them.


And lastly, you guys could have done without this steamroller. Yuck! Or better yet, make a new one, one that looks more like an actual steamroller. Just because it existed doesn't mean it needs to be included.

Again, overall this is a great addition, and you guys sure deserve your thanks. There were a few texture jobs that I thought looked lazy and boring, but you guys covered your bases in terms of poly count, your collision meshes, lighting origins, etc. The only thing I can't make heads or tails of is a scale issue, amongst all of the models. I didn't see a library included with all the models and textures, so I wouldn't know unless I laid them all out, and I don't think I'm going to do it.

Thanks for adding more variety to TF2! It really needed it!

Additionally, great looking website too. Good stuff!


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
oh dang I guess I should update the hardhat thread

Mr. P. Kiwi

L5: Dapper Member
Nov 22, 2009
How come no one saw it coming?
Well, I guess I have some downloading to now!
Great work guys!
Sep 1, 2009
Now I can look forward detail in this style


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
In some of those photo's it's hard to tell what was actually added besides the scaffolding. It also took me 2 minutes to notice the large page thing was a massive button to the contents page. But that's just me being nit picky.

Good stuff guys, besides Rexy's feedback this all looks great!


Nov 25, 2008
I truly genuinely had no idea this was coming, it's amazing!

Really awesome work, guys! So many useful props that can be used anywhere :D

EDIT: Where's the vignette vmf with all the models? That was a really useful part of the swamp pack for looking around it