TF2Mappers instagib server

Do you like tf2 instagib?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • wtf is instagib????

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters


L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 20, 2008
So, as some of you may or may not have noticed, the TF2Mappers server is now on instagib (Thank you Immortal-D:))
For those who are curious what instagib is: [ame=""]YouTube - TF2 InstaGib FragVideo[/ame]

But now the question is, what cvars do we want on it.
Here is a list of cvars that are available.
* instagib - Instagib version.
* instagib_elim - Enable/disable elimination mode.
* instagib_lives - Set elimination lives.
* instagib_frag - Enable/disable frag limit.
* instagib_frags - Set frag limit.
* instagib_spawn - Spawn protection time, in seconds.
* instagib_rof - ROF multiplier.
* instagib_flag - Flag setting. (0=timer, 1=timer+touch)
* instagib_flagt Flag return timer, in seconds.
* instagib_fall - Fall damage multiplier.
* instagib_mult - Change whether the beam will pass through targets on a hit, allowing multikills.
* instagib_accel - sv_airaccelerate
* instagib_fullbright - Make players one colour.
* instagib_drop - Enable ig_drop.
* instagib_bhop - Enable bunnyhopping.

What do you guys prefer for the server cvars?
We also can set a certain amount of frags on the server.
That way we can really see who the winner is =)
Also a few helpful commands.

* sm_instagib - list server settings (!instagib in chat)
* sm_fov - set FOV (!fov in chat)
* sm_fovz - set zoomed FOV (!fovz in chat)
* ig_drop - fall from the sky
* +sm_zoom - zoom in (bind a key to it)


L3: Member
Dec 10, 2008
That fragvideo wasnt anything spectacular, so not the best commercial for the mod ;p


L2: Junior Member
Sep 25, 2008
* instagib_spawn - Spawn protection time, in seconds.

i would say 3-4 seconds or something like that

* instagib_flag - Flag setting. (0=timer, 1=timer+touch)


* instagib_flagt Flag return timer, in seconds.

I really dont care, 30-45 sec or something would be fine

* instagib_fall - Fall damage multiplier.

I cant see any meaning in multiplying fall damage... so 1.

* instagib_mult - Change whether the beam will pass through targets on a hit, allowing multikills.


* instagib_fullbright - Make players one colour.

i couldnt care less.....

I didnt know about the others :p


L6: Sharp Member
Nov 11, 2008
I pray this mod isn't always on, and isn't used for gamedays...


L3: Member
Dec 10, 2008
* instagib_spawn - Spawn protection time, in seconds.

i would say 3-4 seconds or something like that

* instagib_flag - Flag setting. (0=timer, 1=timer+touch)


* instagib_flagt Flag return timer, in seconds.

I really dont care, 30-45 sec or something would be fine

* instagib_fall - Fall damage multiplier.

I cant see any meaning in multiplying fall damage... so 1.

* instagib_mult - Change whether the beam will pass through targets on a hit, allowing multikills.


* instagib_fullbright - Make players one colour.

i couldnt care less.....

I didnt know about the others :p

instagib - tells the Instagib version.
instagib_elim - Enable/disable elimination mode. (only in arena, you have specific amount of lives (see instagib_lives) and when you are "used" all of them, you are eliminated and waiting for new round.
instagib_lives - Set elimination lives. amount of lives you got in arena mode.
instagib_frag - Enable/disable frag limit. Havent tested.
instagib_spawn from 0 to infinite, my opinion is from 0 to max. 2 (been tested, 3-4 seconds is awfully long)
instagib_rof - ROF multiplier. Rate Of Fire. 1.15 is normal amount for this mod.
instagib_flag - Flag setting. (0=timer, 1=timer+touch) Don't think i need to say what this is :p
instagib_flagt can be from 0 to infinite, but prefer 15-20 seconds. (you can get easily back where you were in 10 seconds)
instagib_fall 0 = no falldamage, 0.5 is half of normal falldamage etc. rather have 0, but 0.5 works aswell. You can set anything you want here, from 0 to infinite aswell.
instagib_mult - Change whether the beam will pass through targets on a hit, allowing multikills.
instagib_accel - sv_airaccelerate, larger amount the better ;)
instagib_fullbright - Make players one colour. Afaik buggy at the moment, so therefor useless.
instagib_drop - Enable ig_drop. Makes you drop to ground immediately, faster than normally by pressing +back key. makes you harder to hit, but isnt used for matches (yes, we have played some already.)
instagib_bhop - Enable bunnyhopping. TF2Turbo bunnyhopping, use if you like, but it doesnt feel right for tf2.
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Dec 5, 2007
What a terrbile looking mod, :thumbdown:

There are far too many modded servers out there as it is, we don't need to ad yet another.
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L6: Sharp Member
Jul 15, 2008
Why would the tf2mappers server have some gay, gameruining mod like this on?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
me not like instagib, if me wanna play instagib, me go back to unreal

That's always it though is't it, someone comes along and changes one game to something incredibly similar to another already existing game.

Why bother playing this game at all? Go play the game you want it to be.


Jan 6, 2008
This is actually a very fun mod, as opposed to stupid mods such as the grenade mod. It works well with TF2, amazingly, and it's addicting as hell. While other mods often serve to """improve""" the game, this one is just kind of a minigame.

Still, did we really need this mod on our main server? It's obviously not meant for regular play (which is what most of us want most of the time), so I think it should be taken off.


L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 20, 2008
Also, this mod ofcourse will be off on gamedays, but, does the server actually gets used between gamedays? Because it filled the server good last night after gameday.


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
This is actually a very fun mod, as opposed to stupid mods such as the grenade mod. It works well with TF2, amazingly, and it's addicting as hell. While other mods often serve to """improve""" the game, this one is just kind of a minigame.

Still, did we really need this mod on our main server? It's obviously not meant for regular play (which is what most of us want most of the time), so I think it should be taken off.

This is how I feel, it's fun, but there is disparity between the poll and it's intent. Yes, it's fun, should it be used on our server? No.


Dec 5, 2007
Also, this mod ofcourse will be off on gamedays, but, does the server actually gets used between gamedays? Because it filled the server good last night after gameday.

I was going to join the server the other night when you were running instagib, but that swayed me not to. I suspect more people would be put off by it than if it were left off.


Sr. Hygiene Technician
Mar 24, 2008
The server prior to insta-gib was empty 99.9% of the time with the exception of a few hours a week when map testing was going on so I really do not think there is any concern of scaring off players. I think you all are being a bit harsh on the game mode. It is not like any admin can not just join the host and 'turn off' the insta-gib mode using the sm commands when everyone wants to play a vanilla game.

I read about this mod on the AM forums and it looks very interesting for some quick play to mix things up between vanilla rounds or days.


Armadillo of Doom

Group Founder, Lover of Pie
Oct 25, 2007
I thought it would be a fun thing to try. Obviously it's not something that will be run all the time.


L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 20, 2008
Immortal, can you try this settings?
* instagib_elim 1
* instagib_lives 20
* instagib_frag 0
* instagib_spawn 2
* instagib_flag 1
* instagib_flagt 10
* instagib_mult 1
* instagib_drop 1
* instagib_bhop 1


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
I was trying to get people to help test maps, and you were trying to get people to go play instagib on a different server. Isn't there an instagib community you can go be a part of, rather than taking away potential map testers?

If the server is dead 99.9% of the time, it's a completely different issue. I guarantee you if you can get 8-10 people (from the group) to play on the server for 30-60 minutes that the general public will come. You could probably build a contingent of regulars if that was the case, but tbh, it seems like most of the community doesn't care enough to kickstart the server and build a contingent of regulars...though I personally think it would be in all of our mappers best interests.

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
I got on later after gameday 'cause I saw viperden up I think and I hadn't gotten a chance to play.

By the time I got on it was Hydro insta-gib. I was bored after about 5 minutes and left.

I'd like to see the server get used other than gameday for all custom maps from the community. Whether or not that could could take alot of us constantly on there and inviting people.
The major problem is gamedays have already exceeded the player limits and it can be hard to even get on sometimes. If the server was always that popular I can see map creators not even being able to get on for their own map tests and that could suck.
Maybe some reserved slots could be handed out to anyone who has a map on that gameday.
Or maybe just something like 3 reserved slots and anyone who submits a map gets a password, then if they can't get on they can use one of those slots.

Sorry, I kindof got off topic.

If you do an insta-gib thing maybe it should be like 2 days a week.

Leave gameday to more of a gameweekend schedule. Gameday takes place on sat as usual. then the maps run all weekend for anyone who wants to get on and see them, leave comments for authors.
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