TF2 Improvement Wishlist Megathread


Dec 6, 2014
Valve did that years ago.

Remember the TF2 beta?


L1: Registered
Jul 21, 2016
I feel like I'm beating a dead horse, but I'd really love to see pubs brought back alongside casual.

Asteroid getting finished would also be great.

New weapons that change the gameplay dynamics for Heavy and Pyro without being OP or totally useless? I'm not sure what could be done, but thinking about Sniper, Demo, Soldier and Engineer, all of which can be played very differently depending on which weapon loadout is used, makes me wish all the classes had that much variety.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Another thing, that I've brought up before, is that on the HUD popup that tells you who's healing you and with what, it should show the official name of the medigun, not their custom name; the whole point of the feature is so you know what to expect if you tell the medic to uber you. And I guess the same should go for the Spy's disguise.

While on the topic of next map, why not allow preemptive downloads of the next map? This way they can cut down on the load time for servers with custom maps. Probably need to be optional so that people without QOS on their internet connection wont complain.
I'm probably wrong about this, but since both the download and the game data are going through Steam, wouldn't it be possible to just program Steam to handle the, uh, traffic policing?


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Allowing configs in Match Making would be nice. Or atleast an option to disable ragdolls and gibs in the Advanced Options menu. I've honestly just given up on them optimizing their game, and I'd much rather they work on other things at this point. Adding this option is honeslty the best solution for me, many other players, and Valve because they can work on other aspects of the game, and allow many people to play at 60-120 fps.


L3: Member
May 8, 2010
While on the topic of next map, why not allow preemptive downloads of the next map? This way they can cut down on the load time for servers with custom maps. Probably need to be optional so that people without QOS on their internet connection wont complain.
The notion of what map is the next map can change. Even without plugins, TF2 has Next Level and Change Level votes.

Back before Valve broke it, if the Next Level vote was enabled, servers used to do a next level vote 2 minutes before the map timer ended (which was dumb because the map would change if a "full" round ended with 5 minutes or less on the clock).


Sep 23, 2011
Yes, the next map can change. So? Halt the previous download and start downloading the new next map. It happens rather rarely and it's not a terrible thing if it misspredicts.

As for the download and game traffic going throught Steam? Nope for game traffic. Nope for server custom content in general. Nope for custom maps in general. Might be happening for workshop maps. Might.
Aug 30, 2015
Also, Abyss, Reckoner, Yuno, Clifftop, Tidal, Various Artists, another one I probably forgot


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
I'm still waiting for some NICE optimization.

Every time I join SOMETHING (Casual,Competitive,MvM,Pub,etc...) I start lagging/getting big-ass FPS drops/game freezes,or even EVERYTHING at the same time for like 10-15 minutes. Before the MyM update it was fine. Maybe some FPS drops,but that was it.

Now I can't play properly with all the problems I get every time. Can't escape from an attack because the game freezes,can't kill someone properly because my fps drop to 12,etc.

Right now I'm just opening TF2 to see if I'm doing good with my maps. It's like i'm quitting tf2 (sort of). And that's something I truly hate: Stop playing something that I love.


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
Highlander mode for ranked, more ranked maps, and ranked map selection. I'm tired of playing process 6 times in a row.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 23, 2015
Just some things I come across from time to time that I'd like changed:

  • an output for math_counter that is something like OnNotMinOrMax. This would stop people from needlessly needing to use a logic_case + math_counter when just the mth_counter should work just fine (with that output).
  • a filter_tf_multiple entity that basically is just a combination of filter_tf_class, filter_activator_tfteam, filter_tf_condition, and filter_tf_damaged_by_weapon_in_slot with a "special" slot that adds more filters. This lessens the need to add in a filter_multi to combine these kinds of things when I could have 1 entity instead of 6.
  • a logic_ifelse entity to let me write actual code for things that hammer's entities can't support easily (ones that require a bit more complex variables). This entity would basically have a name, be able to be triggered, and have a HUGE text box for the code.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
As per one of my recent posts, custom health and ammo pickups should override any seasonal reskins.


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 23, 2015
As per one of my recent posts, custom health and ammo pickups should override any seasonal reskins.
Or at least an option for that. One to change custom reskins based on the season. That for Halloween it changes to another custom reskin or default.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
At that point it's getting a bit overly complicated for something practically nobody would want. One alternative, though, would be if packed-in models could override stock ones — just in general — so anyone who wants to have custom pickups for both day-to-day cases and special occasions can just give the latter set the same name and path as the stock ones and pack them into their map manually. This would also allow people to pack in custom versions of stock models that have more skins. Though I don't know how you would get Hammer to recognize them in order to select those extra skins. There are a number of issues with just letting people install prop overrides.


qhull precision error
Aug 5, 2016
Team composition hints a'la OW (TOO MANY SNIPERS!)

Also OnPassForward and OnPassBackward outputs for path_tracks.

And most importantly - having the goddamn func_rotating fixed in TF2.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Something else I used to harp on all the time — prop_dynamic has a number of issues in this game in particular due mostly to the sheer number of duties it's expected to be able to perform. It would be nice if we could have:
  • Animated props that still cast static shadows, and maybe even have normal collision, because only a small, insignificant part of them moves (ex. the grandfather clock in Mann Manor)
  • "Binary" props that can be removed from the world instantly without sacrificing the collision and lighting benefits of a static prop (ex. the ground that gets blown up by the payload cart — it's stupid that sticky bombs bounce off it and ragdolls fall through it)
  • Props that behave like static props for all intents and purposes stated above except that they can change skin (ex. the control point thingy)
All of which would probably require creating a separate, dedicated entity type for each.

Oh, and the static prop lighting improvements they made in CS:GO (mainly the one they did for bumpmapping; I'm sick of those thick white pipes not lighting properly).