
CTF System rc

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Feb 14, 2008
Okay, Randdalf. What in the hell graphics card do you have to justify such horrible graphics settings!?

TF2/L4D recommends high settings for me, and I get ~30 FPS.

I get ~120 FPS with the config. Makes things a lot more manageable.


L1: Registered
May 14, 2008
After having about 80% of our community play this map during a round of our yearly tournament, responses to the map were, unsurprisingly, mixed. The things that people are complaining about the most (Lack of purpose for engineers and snipers, and a small middle) are the same qualities that people who like the map like it for. Regardless of that, Ravidge has already been given about three hours worth of SourceTV demos to review if he so desires, and I figured I'd post here the responses to my thread there asking for feedback on the map if Ravidge desires too.

Excellent work on this map though! It was a pleasure to play it! (Despite the fact our team lost :p )


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I'm gonna make some quick comments about the main complaints, I'm not counter arguing any of the points made in that text. I'm just putting down what my thoughts are on the topics, and what I reasoned when I built them.

1. Middle area:
It's already the size of 2fort, even slightly larger. It's difficult to snipe in that area because there are wonderful long, flat sightlines inside the bases, I love them. Giving snipers a place to just stand around will not benefit the gameplay at all.
There are medium health packs just around the corner in one of the entrances, very accessible to people fighting in this area.
I tried to balance size vs traveltime from spawns, this is the result. Making it larger will also make the map a lot slower, and I figured people want more action in a game like TF2.

2. Tracks close to spawn:
It takes the cart about 4 and ½ minute to make a full lap. If the tracks are too far away from the spawn the defenders feel really useless, it's already difficult to protect the briefcase, I don't see a reason to make it easier.
Every now and then the cart passes infront of the spawndoors, it's a way to keep the pace of the map under control. It's a time where people can regroup and take a breather. A losing team might use this time to rethink their strategy and turn the game around.

3. Spawncamping:
There are 2 exits. I see very little traffic to the secondary (floor exit), and I can't figure out why.. It's often a very good choice.
I takes really uneven teams to get spawncamped. The people inside have all the advantages (locker, control of the doors, 2 exits). Similar to what I mentioned previously; when the cart is outside spawn that is when defence has the upperhand, not the other way around.

4. Engineers:
Just because you can't place a sentry that guards the objective directly, doesn't make the class obsolete. Sentries are area denial, place them in any spot with high traffic and their job is done.

BTW. I play almost exculsively sniper, and I can't believe how many "sniper unfriendly" comments there where, it's paradise I tell ya!

Very nice to hear directly from players what they think though! I appriciate it, thanks!

uma plata

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 20, 2009
I haven't played this with people yet, but just for fun I tried putting up lvl 1 sentries right in front of the intel as it traveled. I could keep them up and covering the intel about 80% of the time.

When that new engie wrench comes out, I imagine this will be a pretty effective strategy

It's also fun to do

Liking the map so far, great idea!


L2: Junior Member
May 28, 2009
Ravidge, in response to when we were chatting about competitive and CTF.

In your map it is tough to pick out the roles. Does the combo go in get the flag stay and defend if the soldiers go attack do you change a scout to a heavy? Also another big one is that it is too hard to find the flag, if one team wipes out the other they can just control the other team's flag cause they have the knowledge of where it is and the other team does not.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
In your map it is tough to pick out the roles. Does the combo go in get the flag stay and defend if the soldiers go attack do you change a scout to a heavy? Also another big one is that it is too hard to find the flag, if one team wipes out the other they can just control the other team's flag cause they have the knowledge of where it is and the other team does not.

Surely, picking out a teamsetup/tactics is not my job as a mapper. A team should use whatever they feel are needed for the task.

And it definately is not hard to find the flag and/or cart. They are syncronised for a reason and the ever helpful ctf HUD works just as you'd expect ;)

New maps require new tactics, don't play it like it's ctf_turbine_upgraded, because it's not.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
rc1 released.

A few more detail passes in some corners.
Various clipping (props turned non-solid)
The small ammo pack in the right edge of the base upgraded to a medium one.

Not much changed in other words, which is why I decided to enter rc stage. From now on this map could be considered finished, but It should be noted that I may release additional rc's (if needed!)

Not closing any doors, I will definately revert it back to beta if something critical comes up, but I really hope that won't happen.

Have fun!


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
This came up twice recently on the maptest server, and I gotta say I love it. The moving intel is a great idea and was well implemented. We had a problem with an unstoppable Heavy riding the cart when the server was low on players, but I guess a Soldier or Demo could have taken care of that a lot better than they could a sentry. There wasn't a lot of combat going around in the middle, and I guess that's normal for CTF and just as well.

I love the design, too. The layout is unique and fun, with plenty of highs and lows to keep gameplay interesting. It did take me a while to realize there were three exits and, after that, where they actually were. *shrug* One of them is a bit of a chore to get to from spawn but I guess that's meant to be the "alternate" route you take when the others are being turtled to death. I especially like the pattern on the walls; it's a nice touch that breaks up the boring old two-tone plaster wall motif (Was that a custom texture or just a fancy slice job?). The "dead end" sign seemed misleading at first, but since it doesn't lead to an exit, which is what I was trying to find at the time, I suppose it fits? *shrug again*

Couple little things that bugged me. The "bank of computer screens" in the spawn room is just screaming to be a custom model instead of a bunch of TVs with an overstretched flat texture on top. (A prop like that would be nice to have available in general, really.) And what is with that door that closes at the start of every round? I seem to have missed what the point of that is. Finally... the markers over BLU's entrance doors. They texture is the wrong shade of blue and I'm not sure it was ever meant to be used in a TF2 map.

EDIT: I was just about to submit this when the map came up in rotation again, so I decided to give it another go. The map had just loaded and given me the initial static camera view when it promptly crashed. So I guess that'll have to wait.
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L1: Registered
Oct 22, 2017
very good map! i particularly like the steel doors in the ditch entryway and the death pit. I love it! What a simple solution to turtle engies!

be careful if you decide to add a dispenser to the cart... would-be turtle engies migt sit on top as a brass beast heavy... heavies burn thru 9-10 ammo/sec... level 1 dispenser generates 40 heavy ammo/sec... yikes m8
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Sep 5, 2014
be careful if you decide to add a dispenser to the cart... would-be turtle engies migt sit on top as a brass beast heavy... heavies burn thru 9-10 ammo/sec... level 1 dispenser generates 40 heavy ammo/sec... yikes m8
Well then it's a good thing that's never going to happen since Ravidge hasn't been here for a few years now


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 26, 2015
very good map! i particularly like the steel doors in the ditch entryway and the death pit. I love it! What a simple solution to turtle engies!

be careful if you decide to add a dispenser to the cart... would-be turtle engies migt sit on top as a brass beast heavy... heavies burn thru 9-10 ammo/sec... level 1 dispenser generates 40 heavy ammo/sec... yikes m8
You can add dispensers to carts?