
ARENA Suijin RC2

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.
Oct 6, 2008


Mar 30, 2014
2 things. One, congrats on getting the map official, two, does this mean the Japanese pack is now official, like the Swamp pack?

Unfortunately, no. Valve didn't move the custom assets into the rest of the game files this time around. (with the exception of the ones in powerhouse).
Dec 28, 2014
Glad to see Valve took the improved version of Suijin you were working on, it does play a lot better the the first Gun Mettle version.

Any more plans to update the map or are you done with it for good?


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009

I think I might have accidentally stumbled on a way to deal with the LOD issue with your roofs, if you're interested. Remember how I said that in the ideal scenario, the final LOD would just be a flat texture with AO bake to simulate the 3D elements? And remember how that was unworkable because of directional lighting and junk? Well...

OK, let's suppose you completely redid the UV unwrap in such a way that the texture now looks something like this:


And the UV unwrap, at the highest detail level, might be something like this:


Now that we've retooled the texture into one that already looks flat, we can get away with making a long-distance LOD that's literally just a flat surface. The UV looks like this, naturally:


Now here's where the lighting fix comes in. Remember the new lightmaps-on-models thing Valve added? If you enable that, in theory VRAD will sample the light hitting these spots, which are almost perfectly parallel to the roof's overall tilt:


So, in theory, the same lightmaps as if the model were just a flat surface. Which is important, because that's what the lightmap needs to look like from far away when it's literally just a flat surface. The drawback is that you'll sacrifice any directional lighting on the sides of the pole thingies. I'd recommend a normal map, but as YM established, those don't actually work on props that are lightmapped. (Though, as the creator of an official map, and with a more optimized version of it on the line, you might be able to persuade them to patch that issue out, as well as introducing the static lighting improvements they added in CSGO.)

Other disclaimers: Obviously, in order to avoid the repeating-shadows bug, you'd need to either restrict the size of your roof models to the dimensions of the texture, or make bigger textures. YM's approach of storing the color and AO in separate textures and using $detailscale to tile the latter might cut down on filesize. I have no experience with modeling, so I cannot personally test any of the above theories; naturally I would have if I could.