
Staging rc


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
This is a NIFTY idea, I really like it a lot.
  • It's cool that you got the train lights to at least start flashing.
  • Yea I understand about getting caught on people. I guess I'd get mad to if I got stuck.
  • Can you make the text that shows up on screen 2 lines? Or is it limited to 1?
  • If you can make it 2 lines you might want to try something like:
    Blue Intel Room 2
    Now Activated!
  • Just cause I think the ..............'s make it look really bad the way it is right now.

Just noticed this, move that battlements sign, it looks a bit odd right there. Maybe putting it where the light is, or raising that block up just a little to leave space to putt eh sign above the door rather than on it.

Train lights are sorted and flash correctly giving you adequate warning.
Text - two lines - dunno how to do that - I can get rid of the dots and substitute with one '-'

All the lights in both intel rooms, warning you of what intel has been 'picked up' now work - when the intel is returned, the lights stop flashing....

Also I have done some displacement work, changed the cliff texture, added some rocks and trees in the open land...


Cheers for the feedback


Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
the trees are good, it adds a lot to the atmosphere. Maybe instead of having that fence behind the train gate you can make a brush and texture it to look like the cement parts of it. That would also eliminate the cave being awkwardly square. Unless you make a displacement tunnel for it to come out of. ;)


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
the trees are good, it adds a lot to the atmosphere. Maybe instead of having that fence behind the train gate you can make a brush and texture it to look like the cement parts of it. That would also eliminate the cave being awkwardly square. Unless you make a displacement tunnel for it to come out of. ;)

It is a prop static - the tunnel......


So it looks pretty nifty TBH...

I just need to displace the ground a smidgen....



Former Alias: †Blade†/Xi.Cynx
Nov 25, 2008
:X My bad, i couldn't tell what it exactly looks like from that previous screenshot. I thought it was just a rectangle cut into the cliff side. Lol


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Feb 16, 2008
Looking better and better! The signs in the Spawn room are A+!


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
Map updated


1) Intels rooms now have indicator boards informing you what intel has been captured (light steady) and which intel is in play (flashing)
2) Messages now informing you which Intel rooms are in play
3) Done a load of optimizing
4) Player clip done (to the best of my knowledge)
5) Both bases (outside) redone
6) Outside areas now populated
7) Ammo and Med packs placed in middle building and final intel rooms
8) Trees added on clifftops
9) Last intel flag will respawn when captured, so no issues if the server round is set to more than 3....

Download link now updated to new version.

Feedback really welcome!! :rolleyes:


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
Can't believe I did this - I forgot the bad boys barriers for the spawn rooms - bad BAD error and a real Hammer 101 error!!

Apologies to all and A9 version has the fixes done....



L3: Member
Mar 21, 2009
first of all i would like to say WHAT A GREAT ORIGINAL AND FRESH IDEA THIS IS.

personally im attracted to maps that take the standard game types and add a little twist to them, without twisting it so far that its unrecognizable.

whats [also] so great about it is that its such a straightforward idea.

NOW...the actual work is great as well. visuals are very well done. displacements, lighting, detailing and themes. this must come after experience of the first map you did?

a seperate compliment must be iven to the idea of giving a visual indicator of the "current intel situation." this shows you've thought about your core concept through well and have even gone into "detailing" the concept [if you know what i mean] with such touches.

my one humble word of advice would be one that i would give to all twilight/night maps--be careful with the lighting so that it doesnt turn out to be a spyfest!
your lighting is well done visually, but i havent played through enough to see how many dark locations there are, where they are located, the distances between,
and their proximity to ammo packs.

on the other hand it IS a night map so DO give a slight advantage to spies [it only makes sense], but not to the point of everyone else gettign disgusted. get some deliberate spy balancing test days.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
[O];61644 said:
first of all i would like to say WHAT A GREAT ORIGINAL AND FRESH IDEA THIS IS.

personally im attracted to maps that take the standard game types and add a little twist to them, without twisting it so far that its unrecognizable.

whats [also] so great about it is that its such a straightforward idea.

Cheers mate! :)

[O];61644 said:
NOW...the actual work is great as well. visuals are very well done. displacements, lighting, detailing and themes. this must come after experience of the first map you did?

Well, to be honest, I had started a few maps and trashed them still at the early stages....I really enjoy CTF a lot, due to its simple and rather hectic gameplay. But I wanted to do something different.....

[O];61644 said:
a seperate compliment must be iven to the idea of giving a visual indicator of the "current intel situation." this shows you've thought about your core concept through well and have even gone into "detailing" the concept [if you know what i mean] with such touches.

That came about by the great feedback I had got on this forum and during the few in games tests I had carried out.....

[O];61644 said:
my one humble word of advice would be one that i would give to all twilight/night maps--be careful with the lighting so that it doesnt turn out to be a spyfest!
your lighting is well done visually, but i havent played through enough to see how many dark locations there are, where they are located, the distances between,
and their proximity to ammo packs.

To be honest, in game it doesn't look that dark - lighting this map was a complete bitch and I think it may still need some tweaking - I will be closely studying the replay after the Euro gameday on Friday to look for areas that are simply too dark....

[O];61644 said:
on the other hand it IS a night map so DO give a slight advantage to spies [it only makes sense], but not to the point of everyone else gettign disgusted. get some deliberate spy balancing test days.

I think the gameday will be a good test of the following issues that may arise:-

1) Intel Room 1 is too difficult to get to initially - once you do capture Intel 1, then the cavern is accessible and this opens up the map

2) Lighting - areas too dark :facepalm

3) Train - timing - too often and other train associated bugs that may appear...

4) I may have the cavern are become available once the intel has been 'taken' (NOT captured) so, although the attackers have got through the defenses, they do not have to trawl back through the base, they can use the cavern entrance / exit as a means of escape :drool1:

5) Try and work out how to populate the middle 'no-mans' land - at the moment I just plonked a few big boulders in the middle, added some trees (although I did that with some thought, and although it seems a little dark around the base on the tree, player clip negates players players hiding too much)... :sneaky2:

Hopefully you can play it on the server on gameday tomorrow night and see it with a full contingent of players?

Thanks muchly for the feedback - it is appreciated :thumbup:


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
Had a few issues reported back to me about the sky in the map - some players are getting the following error........


....any ideas why this would happen??

Cheers in advance


I am inactive and make horrible maps
Oct 29, 2008
To make it even less confusing, you should make A,B,C signs outside of the intel rooms.
And make that gametext (hope you made game_text_tf) say "Intel Room B Activated" or something like that.

That'll make navigating a lot easier, I had a lot of problems finding the intel rooms at first.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
To make it even less confusing, you should make A,B,C signs outside of the intel rooms.
And make that gametext (hope you made game_text_tf) say "Intel Room B Activated" or something like that.

That'll make navigating a lot easier, I had a lot of problems finding the intel rooms at first.

Hey Anton

The text is less confusing I is what is shows now....




As for signs, above the intel rooms, signs are activated and deactivated when certain intels are taken - some even change to different signs......sounds confusing? Let me show you the sequence......

1st intel room in play you see this.........


....then you capture (or deliver) the intel at your own base, at the enemy base, this happens to the signs.....


Notice one changes to RESUPPLY and sure enough, some med ammo and health is now available in that room......

Then, when you have captured the second intel, this happens to the signs at the enemy base.....


So even if you join half way through, the signage should clearly show what intel room is in play.... :)

Here are some other shots of some tweaks I have been working on - I may put an indicator board in the building in the middle, facing you as you are running toward the enemy so....


Also changed the windows in the middle building, and you can jump out of them now...


Any feedback would be great :)


I am inactive and make horrible maps
Oct 29, 2008
It looks a whole lot easier to navigate in now, but you should use game_text_tf instead of game_text, game_text_tf makes a text that looks like the one in "You are now attacking" "You are now defending" and stuff like that.


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
This does look better...........


However, it only stays on the screen momentarily (like 3 seconds) and people may miss it......there is no way to change it I don't think.....



L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
i have an idea, why not to close that intel rooms that are already not_in_game? and 4 players not to stuck inside them just make trigger_multiple inside the intel rooms near new "closing" doors for them to be openable from inside the intelroom,but not outside, this would make the navigation improve further

here are shots:


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
i have an idea, why not to close that intel rooms that are already not_in_game? and 4 players not to stuck inside them just make trigger_multiple inside the intel rooms near new "closing" doors for them to be openable from inside the intelroom,but not outside, this would make the navigation improve further

here are shots:

Hey Nipet - thanks for the feedback.... :thumbup:

Pic 1 - well, the thing is, if I did that it would make the venting and the cavern pretty much redundant....I did consider this, but it then only gave one way in and one way out - by having the vents and the cavern open (and the 'dead' intel rooms still accessible) it creates a choice of a way out of the base... :thumbup1:

Pic 2 - ok - point taken, but I just wanted to create a small area for engineers to build teleporters / dispensers, spies to recharge cloak, etc....I will try and think of something that doesn't look so dodgy for the beta.... :sneaky2:

Pic 3 - Fixed - thanks :D

Pic 4 - Yep - agree - fixed.... :D

Pic 5 - Not sure what you are getting at - it was a full compile, but the map has no area portals, hint or skip brushes....I have never done those before and ain;t looking forward to it - can you explain what you are trying to show??

Thanks again for the feedback :thumbup:



L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
Hey Nipet - thanks for the feedback.... :thumbup:

Pic 1 - well, the thing is, if I did that it would make the venting and the cavern pretty much redundant....I did consider this, but it then only gave one way in and one way out - by having the vents and the cavern open (and the 'dead' intel rooms still accessible) it creates a choice of a way out of the base... :thumbup1:
yeah,didnt think of it)

Pic 2 - ok - point taken, but I just wanted to create a small area for engineers to build teleporters / dispensers, spies to recharge cloak, etc....I will try and think of something that doesn't look so dodgy for the beta.... :sneaky2:


Pic 3 - Fixed - thanks :D

Pic 4 - Yep - agree - fixed.... :D


Pic 5 - Not sure what you are getting at - it was a full compile, but the map has no area portals, hint or skip brushes....I have never done those before and ain;t looking forward to it - can you explain what you are trying to show??

this is mat_wireframe cmd. it shows what is actualy rendered
more unnesesary at this moment stuff is rendered=less perfomance is

i highlighted areas that are not visible but still are rendered
whrn i was making my map, at some point it become to heavy to be play on less powerful PCs) i dunno about your map, my PC is powerfull, but others may complain

just some suggestions,u know)))


L4: Comfortable Member
Feb 3, 2008
this is mat_wireframe cmd. it shows what is actualy rendered
more unnesesary at this moment stuff is rendered=less perfomance is

i highlighted areas that are not visible but still are rendered

Do hint and skip brushes stop other rooms being rendered or is it area portals?



L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
the got different functions
areaportals can be opened and closed manualy
hints are always there

go some wiki 4 that)
and 4 ex. try opening goldrush and type:

sv_cheats 1
mat_wireframe 1

an ull see nothin that is not in sight is rendered)
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Sep 10, 2008
Gameday April 10 Demo:

Make the first intel easier to retrieve. Personally, I've found that the 3 intel locations were too close in proximity, not much difference was felt. A tad too difficult to capture. The trains also need to be fixed, I'm sure you know what the issues were. A very nice concept that should be expanded, however.
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