
CTF Premuda B1B


Dec 5, 2007
You. Have. Too. Much. Custom. Content.


See lump 40? thats your pakfile, everything custom goes in there. 45.4% of your map is custom content.
lumps 8 and 53 are lighting and lighting HDR respectively so 40MB of your map is lighting, but thats not huge considering everything other than lighting and custom content is <3MB a piece. putting your map at only 63MB for no CC at all!

displacement lightmaps is 34
Physcollide is lump 29

So i took a look inside the pakfile and i was shocked to see redundant textures! D:
You've paked transmitter_uv_spec.vtf and transpitter_uv.vtf in twice adding an extra ~1MB
For props like the swamp pack's rowboat, you want to only include the files you're using. If you only have one or two skins used in your map make sure you only pak in the corresponding textures, not all three. (i dont actually know if you're using all three skins but be aware of that anyhow)

cap_point_intel.....vtf is the worst offender, you have three of them at 5.33MB each, thats 16MB of custom capture points, and for what? to indulge your content fetish? The new capture points serve no purpose other than to look fancy and for 15MB thats a lot of redundant filesize you're forcing on the player!!
I'd vote for removing them all together, as there is no clear need for them to exist. But if you must use them you can at very least investigate the VMT commands for tinting a texture's colour and then simply having a neutral texture that gets warped to red/blue by the VMT to save a whole 10MB!!!

I'd also consider any mix of these extra two options:
- Remake the model with one less strip of colour so that you can cut down a frame (~1MB) from any animated textures you choose to keep so if you keep all three thats 3MB saved
-re-UV the texture of the base so that the non glowing section uses one static texture and the rings to use an animated texture, you could then have the animated part perhaps as small as 256 or perhaps 128 since there isn't much detail in that part a lowres texture would be fine. then you're only animating a tiny part of it.
I'd recommend this method since you could potentially cut your 16MB cap base down to just 2MB if you used the VMT commands to change the skin's tint as well. (one static 1024 texture ~1MB and one 256 animated texture ~0.5MB)

Also, backtracking slightly, you can also shave off on your vcollide data by making displacements that can't be reached non solid (one of the displacement options in the displacement menu) Also, any prop that isn't set to notsolid will add to this lump so again, any prop that can't be reached... make it nonsolid!

I'm sure you also know about lightmap optimisation. since you've already surpassed the killer 100MB milestone and are in beta you should have done this ages ago, but i bet you haven't yet, so get on that!!


Dec 5, 2007


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jul 25, 2009
He's Psychic :p

I'm sorry.

Eerie, you've had me from "I´m trying out a new environment" I had a run around today again and ended up spending about an Hour there. It really is a new world you've created, not just ground with buildings on it.

Things I Found


You're getting that Black Patch bug you were getting on the water (or at least, something similar) on that Trapdoor.


Just simple awkward clipping around here, I guess people won't really be jumping up there normally, but I found myself getting stuck up there often enough in my Hurtme -9999 Rocket Jumping Episodes..


L11: Posh Member
Feb 7, 2009

Cmon, what is that? ;)

(Stage 3, red spawn)


I think a (custom?) water with less or no waves would fit better here.

€: Also, the healing noise of the intel is quite annoing :(
Last edited:
Aug 19, 2008
/me is writing a new to-do list

honestly, i´m glad contest is over and i managed to push out a decent beta

YM, giant thanks for taking the time to analyze the monstrosity i am well aware of. i won´t ignore the filesize, but being stuck between finishing the map and working on my last year, reworking the textures and worrying about the filesize was some points further down on my list, but it keeps nagging on me :)

in addition to that i wasn´t aware of possibilities to manipulate the textures tint via the vmt, so mille grazie for that tip

i must have slipped the redundant files, compile crashed before the deadline, it was like 7am in germany and i didn´t get any sleep until 9 o´clock, so i was half-numb pakrating everything

i thought i corrected the cabinet, but must have forgotten :/
i´ll also alter the already custom water (it´s an alteration of pl_jungle water) to be a bit calmer and maybe more widespread waves so it doesn´t look as repatative as it does now

anyhow.... giant thanks to all commenters and critics, it kept me going :p


The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
All good things to come. Don't stress custom content too much, I know what everyone is saying, but all that can be dealt with in a compromising way. It's a small price to pay for such a good map.


L9: Fashionable Member
Jul 9, 2008
one small issue,when stage2 starts both point in the hud are "active"
i mean there is no "locked" overlay on the second point in the hud


L3: Member
Sep 16, 2009
Haha this map in its early days looked questionable but it looks awesome at the moment.


L2: Junior Member
May 20, 2009
Will you update the map to b1b because of those displacements? If so, will you reduce file size? And when?
Aug 19, 2008
Compiling atm

I only corrected the displacement issue for B1b, since i don´t want to have an unfair advantage in the contest, but only correct the crashing-issue
Sizing the File down would be such a post-submission-date advantage

just waiting for the mod-team to give me a NO or GO to upload it to the servers


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 5, 2009
I havent tested b1a I think, but I can still spec cam CP 3-2 as BLU before its capped, which shouldnt be allowed IMO :/
Aug 19, 2008
unfortunately the version on the servers and in the mappack won´t be updated to the current B1b (i had at least hoped for the mappack :( )
gotta live with that, so, so, so sorry for the clientcrashes, hope it doesn´t stop you to reconnect

ee1 out