
RD Pilfer a20


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Asd417 updated Pilfer with a new update entry:


Mid is now more spacious
Dropdowns have larger holes
Moved medium pickups near spawn to a room near mid
Added a risky medium health pack in mid.
Added crates to use to jump up towards the sniper deck in mid
Changed skybox
Changed gamemode prefix
Added patches under the intels to indicate their spawn points

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Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Asd417 updated Pilfer with a new update entry:


Proper version
Dropdowns are larger
Intel now has patch to indicate where it spawns
Changed how players get up the mid orecar
Area around the point is now more spacious
Changed gamemode prefix
Added boxes players can use to jump up the sniper deck at mid
Added two risky medium health packs around mid
Removed the large health pack. It was unfortunately not very useful. Rest in Peace. We will remember your contribution in all 4 previous versions.
Removed emotional ties with the large health packs

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Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Asd417 updated Pilfer with a new update entry:


Added additional health packs around mid
Changed ramp up the train
Added doors to the intel dropdowns
Added windows overlooking the intel area
Changed intel dropdowns from circle to square
Players now spawn on the second floor
Blocked ridiculous sightlines cross mid
During the first 60 seconds after the point is first captured, gold spawnrate is doubled.
Reduced max points from 200 to 150
Rounds should be a lot shorter now

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the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
Hey asd,

I just had a really weird idea I thought was worth sharing.
What if, instead of KOTH, you made the base gamemode TOW-KOTH?

(by "TOW-KOTH", I basically mean Tug of War payload but the cart periodically scores your team PD points while it's in the enemy base.)

This would satisfy the lack of push-and-pull in the gamemode that abp brought up, and help discourage those unsatisfying rounds where some no-good engineer sets up on mid and wins the round without the flags ever really coming into play.

The pieces for it are already there, as well; the point is an orecar:

which sits on an unbroken track that goes into the enemy base:

Of course, it's not exactly free of issues.
For instance, the orecar moving would create a MASSIVE sightline on mid, so mid would need a route or two added that lets teams get around that.
Also, it would mean that the flags would become a win-more mechanic, where a team capable of pushing the orecar into the enemy base is capable of grabbing the enemy flag, whereas the enemy team isn't capable of pushing through mid... or are they? If the orecar is down one of the two lanes that lead to mid, it means you can take the other one to get behind the attacking team and grab their flag.
So it might be amazing?

Oh, also, when the orecar drops gold, the gold can flip upside down to become underground and totally invisible:

And the ground under the displacements isn't nodraw, so it has to bake a bunch of lighting information that inflates your filesize and VRAD compile time.

And this wall under the displacements isn't flush with the ground, which could become a minor optimisation issue down the line:

Happy mapping!


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Asd417 updated Pilfer with a new update entry:


Conversion to rd gamemode
Simplified mid design to be closer to traditional koth design.
Blocked off lowground flank route. This should allow more teamfight since players are more converged.
Removed the one way dropdown that is almost exclusive to one team
The 'sniper room' can now be accessed the same way as the old oneway room.
a13 version with cos gamemode will be available if this doesnt work.

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