gameday update
yesterday this map was playtested and luckely I was capable of attending the test. While it is kinda unusual to be worrieing about balancing your map, that was exactly what the test was for. I will sum up what I thought about the playtest. (I might think otherwise after I have seen the actual demo)
(the alternative route, is going under the bridge, or going throught the grassy area)
blu/red balance
Well, blu has just a high chance of winning as red as everything is pretty much symmetrical.
Capturing the midlle point is too hard, there is a constant stream of enemies.
playes do take the alternative routes, wich is a good thing.
-make the route from spawn to cp longer (very difficult)
-lower the cap time (simple)
class balance
-scout: overused in the beginning, due to the map being small I thought they were at a small disadvantage, but seeing at the use the roofs, they were actually at a small advantage.
fix: make the roof accesable by normal classes (easy) (it already was possible, but it required good timing)
-soldier: quite balanced, nobody found my rocket jump places, but that's not that big a deal, no fix needed
-pyro: I was afraid it was going to be massivly underpowered, but it actually did quite well because the enemies are focused at one point. no fix needed
-demoman: Overpowered, due to the arc of its weapons, it is able to kill players at the other side of the hill.
fix: put some obstacles on both sides of the hill, that grenades will bounce of, however this may also hurt other classes. (difficult)
-heavy: slightly underused, but not underpowered. Due to the small size of the map I thought heavy would rule, but they dont. no fix needed
-engineer: massivly underpowered. Because they dont really have time to set up a sentry.
fix: add some kind of setup time, (take the time before a cp unlocks), so engineers can build their sentries. (moderatly difficult)
-medic: underpowered, I haven't seen a single ubercharge, players dont live long enough.
fix: I really dont know, I would have to redesign the whole map, wich I wont do.
-sniper: doing it's thing, sniper can't snipe players at the cp, so they feed of players taking the alternative route. They might have a bit too much cover, no real fix needed
-spies: they also must feed from players taking the alternative route, but have great hiding places. no fix needed.
if you played this map don't be scared of giving feedback. (even if you hated it)