

L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2009
Add this server to the list :D (running beta 8):

My community absolutely LOVED this map when we tested it last night. This goes without saying that it has been added to our regular rotation. I mean, yea, it's not a "serious" gonna be a community map type of thing. But it plays acceptably, is a quick download, and most important is tons of fun!

A few suggestions I might have would be to add a couple extra path's leading up to the point (like stairwells coming up from the side or something). Also add some cover in strategic places and detail a little. Doing so will only add to the awesomeness of this. Oh, and making the carts go in opposite directions relative to one another would make this "completely" balanced I would think. With them going the same way there exists a case for somebody to claim imbalance.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Aug 2, 2009
@mdawgmike: Added!,
To figure out what servers are running my map I use
[ame=""]Find out how popular your maps really are -[/ame]
I update the list every now and then, so you server would have gotten in the list eventually.

I am already busy with beta 9, I will contact you when it comes out. I will take your advice to heart, however I probably won't detail a lot more (Unless I get a brilliant detailing idea). I am currently more focused on gameplay and balance than looks.

Oh and I don't think it is that bad that both trains go in the same direction, I haven't heard anybody cry about it yet. The reason why the go in the same direction is because..... they race, hence the name photofinish.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Aug 2, 2009
Ok, I have had version b8a out for a while. (there was one server running it), but I never released it.

now it is avaible for download.
the changes
-fixed stickies not sticking to the roofs
-made carts only lethal when they hit you from the front, allowing you to ride the cart :D

for those interested, the stuff I am working on for b9
-completely reworking the roofs of the building, making it only possible to reach the top as a soldier or demoman
-added cover on top of the control point so players on the roofs can kill players on the control point
-adding alternative paths to the control point
-lowering the cap time, so the point isn't being hold too long. (the score 3:00 - 0:00, was quite common)

additional suggestions are welcome


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Aug 2, 2009
shameless gameday bumb.

if you have played this at gameday please leave a comment.

a schreenshot of what will become b9