Panamint Springs

CTF Panamint Springs a18


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Panamint Springs (ctf_panamint)
Made by:
- Hannes "Hanz" Tirez (Author)
- Grahame "grazr" Hinde (Author)
- Alex "Rexy" Kreeger (Models)

Panamint Springs was my entry for the 3rd Annual Contest. The map is based on a village called Panamint Springs somewhere in America: it has a desert environment with both goldrush and badwater style.

The gametype is a new A/D CTF gametype. BLU is attacking, RED defending. BLU has to carry the intelligence to all the control points to win. There are 3 stages, with it each stage 2 control points. (So a total of 6 control points)

Thanks to:
-Shmitz (intel pedistal)
-Icarus (entity setup prefab)
-Acegikmo (environment gallery)
-III_Demon (track pieces)
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L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
Hey i got your message sorry i was away.

This is looking great so far keep it up il definettly play this.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 28, 2009
Since you asked so kindly, here's the conclusions from my examination of this stage (some of these things are technical aspects, like prop problems, so bare with me):

-The very opening stretch looks very sniper and soldier friendly. Maybe a few props for cover against the rain of rocket shells and sniper fire.

-This kind of felt weird, not having the shack roof extend to the wall.

-A sign that is disconnected from the wall. Around the 2nd control point

-The 1st control point seems too close to the Blu Spawn, making suicide scout rushes very easy to achieve.

That's about it. I really liked the layout, many different ways to assault the control points from. :thumbup1:


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Updated with a bit more recent screens now.


Sep 10, 2008
It was a bit buggy when we played... someone could cap the point even though someone was blocking it.

IT was fun, and actually somewhat defendable. Try lowering both teams' spawns and see if that works any better. For some reason, your 2nd point is also easily captured, like Vector's


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009


- Removed the ramp at cp 1.
- Added a new sentry spot for red between blu setup and cp 1 to make it easier for red to defend.
- Added a few things at cp 2 to make it easier for red to defend.

+ Started making stage 2


L2: Junior Member
Apr 10, 2009
Hanz it's hard to give you good feedback given that a lot of your test time was dominated by discussion that drew away from gameplay. I'm to blame for some of that and I'm sorry. I think you deserve a more complete test and if you get something going I'll join. From what I saw, nothing appears to be broken. The environment is on the open side (matter of taste but lends itself to some class biases). I'm going to hold off on the rest because I'd be reaching. Get me another playtest and I'll get you some more feedback.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
Played a2 with you yesterday. Looking good. You know where the thread about the hud is?

Hm, didn't saw the thread bout the hud yet.. Could you give me the link?
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Feb 18, 2009
Looking good ;). much better than my contest entry :p. Anyway, I love that sniper spot looking down to blu spawn and the first point, However I think the point should be easier to defend from outside the building (windows? make the doors bigger?) and harder to defend from inside (a kink in the wall? simply no-build it?). Only suggestions though. I hope to see more stages soon.


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
I will be running this map during my playTest this week. calculatedChaos is a contest sponsor and we will do our best to support contest maps while they are in development, however people that let me know when their map is updated get more out of testing on our server than others.

Thanks that you added my map to your server. If I don't forget I will send you a message when the map is updated. (I also added you to my steam friend list, that's bit easier to say when it's updated, etc.)

Now about the map to everyone. Almost the whole layout of stage 2 is drawed, I will start blocking it out soon. I hope that the layout is blocked in a week, but I have to study for my exams, so it will maybe take 2 weeks.
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L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
We played this map last night and had lots of fun. The stage capped quickly which should be good for s1. It did take the whole first round for everyone to figure out where they needed to go, but I understand you are working on the HUD so that will probably be addressed.

There was a complaint that it was hard to cap since you could only cap the flag at the very center of the CP. I had to run over the cp a few times before the cap stuck because I kept missing the middle. I think that you should increase the cap point a little bit. It doesn't have to be the whole CP, but a little bit larger would be good.

It may be a fault of the game type but for me, it was really easy to jump down on top of the intel, in a sea of people defending and move the flag to the point. Does it still fit the rules of this type to add a small cap time to planting the flag? I think adding a few seconds of time you have to stand on the point with the flag would be good, given that this stage is so short.

The map got into our regular rotation but I am going to hold off on adding it quite yet since I am sure we are going to be playing lots of versions of this one since it is a contest map.



Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009

- Changed the building with cp 1 (stage 1)
- Added the intel pedistal from Shmitz
- Added signs to show witch cp is capped/not capped
- Disabled a lot of shadows
- .. Can't think of other stuff :p

+ Working on stage 2 now, this will probably take another week or 2 weeks since I have to study for my exams. :S


Ravin' Rabbid
Jan 18, 2009
*Contest entries testing bump*

Since I wasn't there, it would be great to have some ppl to say how the map went.

Cp1, Balanced? / Not balanced?
Cp2, Balanced? / Not balanced?

+ If there is a demo, please post it!


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
When one team capped CP1, generally RED got back there and rebuilt up, causing hell on the attackers.

AT one point, after the enemy team only capped the first point, we were unable to cap the point due to a strange bug. We don't know what caused it, but it never capped. We went on to spawncamp them.

It probably was a stacked test, but the main concern was with that one bug and the play of the map. Often I'd have to guide someone to a point to cap it.

Request a SourceTV demo of it if you want a demo of it.