Opinions requested: 72-hour contest again?


L2: Junior Member
Oct 22, 2009
I, too, would prefer some time in July, since I'm taking the SAT in early June, and my school is dumb and had a shitload of snow days so it doesn't let out until a week after that.


Ancient Pyro Main
Aug 11, 2008
Which day are you talking about?
I'm sorry I didn't elaborate; Our Contest #6 is ending on the 25th for submissions, right? So I wouldn't start another contest of any type until at least 2-3 weeks after that, so that people planning to give reviews for all the maps and that want to enter this have plenty of time to playtest the current maps fresh out the gate while not interfering with their ability to play one of these maps.


Jan 6, 2008
I'm sorry I didn't elaborate; Our Contest #6 is ending on the 25th for submissions, right? So I wouldn't start another contest of any type until at least 2-3 weeks after that, so that people planning to give reviews for all the maps and that want to enter this have plenty of time to playtest the current maps fresh out the gate while not interfering with their ability to play one of these maps.

Yes, that makes sense. I agree that we certainly shouldn't have anything going on until the major contest is done and dealt with.


L420: High Member
Jul 6, 2009
Id love to do this, missed out last time due to bad timing :( Anytime after this week is fine by me, cos then I'm done exams. Aint off school for another month or so after that though.


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 26, 2009
72 hours dev textures only gameplay only

If it was across a common 3-day weekend that would be ideal

I can donate a steam game or something


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
I don't get out until July.


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I'm already out, but I'm taking extra classes for summer. Summer school ends June 25th-ish for me, and it seems everyone else feels more comfortable with July. Doesn't really matter to me after that, I have interest in a 72 hour contest. (Check my posted threads, I wrote something similar about this).
Apr 19, 2009
I would much rather have the freedom to do anything you want, no real restrictions other then the map has to have been started after the contest started.

I really need to get back into mapping. :(


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
I can offer a copy of critically acclaimed turn based strategy game frozen synapse as a prize.
Mar 23, 2010
I'm in. Let's goooooooooooooo.
Last edited:


L420: High Member
Aug 26, 2010
I would much rather have the freedom to do anything you want, no real restrictions other then the map has to have been started after the contest started.

That's the thing I'd like, other ideas like detailing premade section, only-1-room or 'only dev textures' would be just boring.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
That's the thing I'd like, other ideas like detailing premade section, only-1-room or 'only dev textures' would be just boring.

This is where the tough part of the judging is. If you do a contest where its "Make the best map you can in 72 hours" some people are good enough to have it roughly detailed, the other half won't be able to even have a solid layout down. Some will focus more on detail, and have a crappy layout.

If the contest is about the maps, then making it so that detailing will not be judged wouldn't be a bad idea. Gives everyone a level playing field to have a chance to get a good layout of larger maps (5CP/A/DCTF[CP]/PLR/PL... and I'm sure we will have one person attempting a 72hr TC map)...

I just want this contest no matter what it ends up being. even before backlot, I did a bit of speed mapping and I find I can actually map/do better layouts when I do things quickly. So this will be a nice start (backlot was made in under 2 hours)


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
1. First and foremost, do you like the idea of this contest? Anything that should be changed in your opinion (e.g. duration)?

I do like the Idea of this contest however i think i'd prefer it if we're given a pack of stuff before hand e.g prefab and instances (If possible) to speed up things as 72hours isn't too long unlest done straight.Also some guidelines and theme's might be nice.

2. What's a good time? I'm concerned about letting as many people as possible partake in the contest, so I'm thinking late June or early July will work out best for most people. Going on a vacation isn't something that should affect the date, but if your reasons related to something like school, I want to hear it because it'll probably also affect many others.

Definetely during a school holiday of some sort so preferabbally after the 23rd of July.

3. This isn't that important, but would you be willing to contribute to a larger prize? I'll supply small prizes myself (Steam games, I guess), but I have my limits.

Maybe but as a 15 year old i dion't earn that much.