
KotH Occult rc6

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May 31, 2013
Your soundscapes don't make much sense to me. The dripping is cool, but the predominant noise is a high-pitched wind buffeting sound, which makes no sense underground. You need much lower pitch wind, and some that doesn't sound like it gusts. The little waterfalls on either side of the point are completely silent until you get very close to them, they need to be much louder. It could also do with some machinery sounds, there are some good mining-type room tones included with TF2 that would fit nicely. Soundscapes have great potential to really sell an environment, or damage it. Right now, it feels like your physical environment and the wind sounds you have compete with each other.


Jul 8, 2015
I played this map during the Showcase Test on August 11th. I noticed a lot of players saying that the ramps around the point needed to be wider so it would be easier to get on the point. I was playing Medic, and after figuring out the rock ramps, which you can jump off of to get on the point, I have to disagree with this. I was able to run around all over the point very easily. Once I learned to time my crouch jumps, I never got caught on any of the geometry. I thought the point was really fun to play on, and around.

Malachite Man

L6: Sharp Member
Oct 16, 2015
feedback stuff:

The waterfall here just cut's off here and it looks unnatural.

The logic of the waterfall and this pond makes no sense so the waterfall looks weird when you see this.


Got a few fullbright rocks here and there.

Ok i can't get overthis this these trees look unnatural and i know their distant props and the polycount but it looks really ugly maybe higher the polycount by a few numbers?

Ok so i hope this feedback was useful and all around this is a cool map with a cool theme keep up the good work:)