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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
mvm_yiresa - Split

Yiresa is a multi sided map with a single capture point for each side. The map consists of dynamic elements attempting to keep the gameplay fresh by giving robots tools to destroy good holds, forcing players to make the decicion between falling back or dying. The map is set in a conjoined blue and red base surrounded by a rocky landscape in the vibrant heat of new-mexico.Rounds are either on blue side or red side, This can change based off what wave you are playing during what mission.The map also consists of 30 second tank doors. If a tank gets close to one of these doors, it will trigger the door to stay open for the alloted time. (Watch out, they do bite!)This punishes players for not dealing with tanks before they trigger the door, allowing the robots through the floodgates. It was a blast making and playtesting this map, now its time for the public to see it, Enjoy!


Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
• Fixed several lighting bugs
• Aligned all unaligned robot holograms
• Moved tutorial blackboard to the upgrades station
• Fixed robot debug teleporters (If you knock a robot on the wrong side of the map, they are returned to spawn)
• Fixed robot stun filter trying to stun players
• Fixed capture points still sounding an alarm after captured
• Added a sound for when the robots are un-stunned
• Tweaked kill pit triggers to be slightly lower
• Blocked money being lost in the tank barricade
• Added custom tank barricade particle

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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
•Big changes to last, More cover and advantages for red team
•Changed blue side to be more player favored
•Added teleport for bot spawns when a point is capped. (Should catch any late spawning bots)
•Added triggers to push bots out of stuck spots
•Added collision to one way doors.
•Added more health and ammo to blue capture zone, and red last.
•Added Money collection zones to robot spawns.

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Entitled Elitist
Apr 27, 2015
A load of bugfixes, dead exploits and additions.
As well as conditioning for random players.

RC4 now includes:
Custom split side icons by Lite
Fixed robo pathing, removal of robot stuck spots, (Thank you Herple Nerp!)
More tags on navigation triggers. (Thank you Herple Nerp!)
Split sides being less exploitable
The removal of a game breaking wave reset bug for split sides.

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