

L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
very, very fun layout. My only complaint is the little rooms that lead into the center point on ground level at either end are a little tight, it's hard to get through there without running face-first into some stupid heavy or pyro. :laugh:
Apr 13, 2009
Well, I did get a little confused about which way to go right out of spawn a few times. It never lasted for long, but I think it couldn't hurt to have one big arrow that says 'enemy in this general direction'. This was around the first forward respawn for red, I think.

Other than that it played pretty well, I don't really have anything else to say. No imbalances or annoyances as far as I'm concerned.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I felt that the middle was a little small, if you widen up the area a little It would feel a lot less confined.

The paths between middle and 2nd had very narrow entrances (doorways). Half of the time I went in there I was faced with a... anything really (they all kill me) just around the corner. As a 125 hp class it really was a gamble.

The lighting was a little bland and if you put some highlights on the important stuff I think it will be a lot easier to focus and make it more visually interesting. capture point, entrances, overlooking windows, health and ammo spawns. just a few things people would be looking for/at, giving them a visual clue is great for gameplay.

I also think I saw the big arrow outside blu(?) forwardspawn2 (attacking last cp) not raised up. might be a mistake on my part. but double check it :)

Except for than the bumpy terrain and scouts walking on it, I had fun playing this ;)


Jan 6, 2008
I see what you mean. The cliffs actually turned out lower than I expected. :p

I'll make sure to make them dangerous-looking when I start making details, for now I'll make sure to add some signs.

EDIT: Ravidge: What, those dynamic signs are still buggy?! (This is probably why you're complaining about a lack of signs, Loc, since I made sure to have huge signs outside of every spawn) Kthen, more work to do there...

Bumpy terrain will be smoothed out a little. The tip about highlights is a good one, I'll remember that and see what I can do. Right now, I might try to get away with some yellow dev textures. :p

EDIT 2: Also, less tightness seems to be something I have to work on... also noted...
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L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
one other note, when attacking from the 3rd to the 4th point I dropped down from this ledge to this doorway a lot, it was a little annoying that I took damage from that fall. (cause it was such a useful attacking route otherwise.)



Jan 6, 2008
Mudbath Alpha Vesion 3 Released
- Removed health and ammo between point 2 and the building separating point 2
and the middle.
- Smoothed out some displacements.
- Fixed BLU spawn 1 from spawning all players in one spot.
- Made the battlements next to the middle larger and more spacey.
- Added another ramp up to the middle's battlements from point 2.
- Removed the separating wall in the building between point 2 and the middle.
- Added clipping to a doorway.
- Added danger signs near death pits.
- Clipped all remaining stairs.
- Fixed signs by both teams' first forward spawns going down only to never
resurface when taking the 4th point.
- Added signs pointing to the "side route" leading to the middle, and added a new route from that to the battlements.
- Replaced one of the buildings by the middle (each side) with an open "platform".
- Added new screenshots to showcase (not up yet as of the time of posting)

TO EVERYONE GIVING FEEDBACK: Is the new middle design any better? It is by no means final; I'm taking small steps here, so what is most important for me right now is to know if I have made improvements. But of course, any regular feedback is very much appreciated as well.


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 6, 2008
Frankly, I think that long winding path that was added in a2, the one that leads to middle, is just really awful from a gameplay standpoint. Sure it may be only useful in certain cases, thus having a reason for existing, but frankly I think there should be a different solution than that. Added complications like that tend to really water down the gameplay.



Jan 6, 2008
Yeah, I dislike it too. I'm just not sure if changing it back to how it was would be acceptable, as I added it mainly as a route for the losing team to help them get back the middle. I tried improving it for a3, but if it goes underused in the next playtest, I will definitely try something different.


Jan 6, 2008
News for people giving feedback this gameday: The middle is getting redone (the battlements will remain, more or less), so I don't need nitpicks for that area anymore. However, suggestions for a new mid and general feedback regarding the middle-to-2nd point stretch are welcome (although I already have a general layout in mind).


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
In that case I have no feedback to give you other then the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed the map though it did stagnate between the middle and 2nd cap for quite a long period of time. ;)


Jan 6, 2008
Yeah, it did. I am very disappointed because I have no good idea in mind for fixing that (mainly letting defenders push back) - although I did add a new path that might fix something.

However, I have to say I'm very pleased with the play between points 1 and 2.


Jan 6, 2008
Here's a preview of the middle in a4:


(Crap, forgot to turn up my graphics settings...)

I'm very pleased with it. Much more memorable and special, much better use of height... I hope this will play better. :) There's a cliff here too, but it's there mainly for the sake of a consistent theme. It's pretty harmless.

I'm also thinking of renaming the map (cp_crag?) due to the lack of any sort of mud bath. :p
Originally I wanted people to actually slide around in the slippery mud, hence the name, but that would just have been annoying.

EDIT: Also, it's not finished. I'll have to add more railing and some health/ammo.
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Oct 30, 2008
Wow, that's totally different. It's a shame the wood on the two rocks with the small health pack is gone, as I really liked that, but overall this looks great.

The Gentlemanne

L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 18, 2009
Great map so far,although I was planning on asking you to change the name anyway because it reminds of a certain video on youtube called "mud hell bath" by bufflax. :p


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 6, 2008
It looks like it would play well but my question is how are the battlements useful any more? Before they were very vital to gameplay at mid, whereas now they look like they're set so far back that they're mostly sniper holes. IMO that was one of the features that made your mid play well, having vertical indoor spaces right next to the point.

Also the health pack on the plank was a favorite of mine, shame to see that go. :mad:

I'll reserve full judgement until I can play it though, because this really does seem to fit the theme more. I'll work on a name for you coming up here. >_0



Jan 6, 2008
I'm sad that I've disappointed some people (although I dunno what's so special about the health on the plank :p), but I can tell you this: I'm not going back.

It looks like it would play well but my question is how are the battlements useful any more? Before they were very vital to gameplay at mid, whereas now they look like they're set so far back that they're mostly sniper holes. IMO that was one of the features that made your mid play well, having vertical indoor spaces right next to the point.

I'm also unsure about the battlements, but I chose to keep them as their are for a4. They are likely to see some changes in a5 to gel better with the new mid.[/QUOTE]

Great map so far,although I was planning on asking you to change the name anyway because it reminds of a certain video on youtube called "mud hell bath" by bufflax. :p

oh rofl


Oct 30, 2008
I think mudbath as a name is much more memorable than just another piece of scenery, really.