
CP Malcano A3


Feb 15, 2015
Malcano - 2cp a/d with lava and rocks and stuff

2cp attack/defend map that i've been working on for the past week or so. hoping to develop this past early alpha cause i like the look & design i have going so far. comments & criticism welcome

also the name comes from a fusion of volcano and the show malcolm in the middle, which i watched while i worked on the map
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Feb 15, 2015
Major Changes
- map is now in dark mode (night theme, may or may not keep it)
- new exit from BLU spawn
- made flanks feel more flanky and less "small main route"
- widened path along the left side to A to make it feel more "main"
- added parts of solid ground to the lava in front of A to make it not as annoying
- added slight high ground for BLU on their left side of A
- widened A building significantly and made building behind lead into it
- last + the lobby leading into last has been basically completely redone, lava damage pit + fans removed entirely
- lava curtain cover removed
- simplified routes underneath A
- probably some other stuff

Minor Changes
- details in a bunch of places
- different props/cover in some places
- different health pickup locations to correspond w/ new geometry
- team-colored doorframes on most entrances to buildings to help with identification
- added signage for navigation
- different lava texture from the maritime pack (I think it's better than the tf2 hell lava, but it's still not that great-looking)
- map is now repacked
- probably some other stuff

Version Notes
one of the biggest complaints about A1 was that every route to A felt very campable and unsafe, so I decided to widen the main left path to make it more appealing, add some high ground to make BLU more easily able to approach the point, and added a flank onto RED's high ground on the opposite side of the point. I'm not completely happy with the layout still, as it is pretty easy for soldiers to just jump from A's roof onto teams coming up that left path, killing everyone for free, but it may or may not be a huge problem. I'm also not 100% about last, but I think at least the entrances are better, as BLU gets more cover when walking in through main

all in all, this is a very big update, and I hope the changes play well -- if not, I may have to rethink large portions of the map.

thanks & enjoy

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Feb 15, 2015
Major Changes
- last has been overhauled once again (this is the part of the map that needs the most feedback)
- left route for BLU has been widened slightly and has its rock moved to combat sneaky airblasts
- BLU now has a forward spawn (probably should've been there in a1)

Minor Changes
- most roof edges have been turned nonsolid
- you can now jump off the outside area in BLU spawn and kill yourself, have fun (as at least two people wished they could do in the feedback)
- the rock-jump-thing in front of A has been replaced by a displacement slope to make it easier to get back up
- A capture time increased by 1 second (23->24)

Version Notes
the new last is more inspired by gorge's last and adds big height advantage over the point for attackers. BLU can also wrap around the sides of the point to attack RED directly on their high ground and have flank routes to destroy sentries and break strong defenses. I think the geometry overall is more interesting to play on, though I am worried about some particularly strong sightlines and think the entire point area might still be a little overscaled (testing will reach a conclusion). BLU's forward spawn also makes it WAY easier and faster to get to the point, and the fact there are no more near-impenetrable sentry spots (hopefully) will make the last feel more even for both teams. overall, I'm looking for feedback on the last as a whole this version, as well on the positioning of the forward spawn (because I thought about where to put it for a very long time), and i hope stuff plays well. also, I redid some logic and added some dynamic stuff for this update, so I can only hope nothing is broken.

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thanks & enjoy

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