
KotH Luftangriff B5a

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
This is my first beta map, so it's the first map that I have fully art passed. It's not going to be perfect, but it's a start. Any feedback is welcome.

Pictures after the changelog.

  • Artpass! Woo!
  • Slightly reworked Air Raid logic; removed bugs.
  • Planes have sounds.
  • Adjusted health/ammo.
  • Sirens are force stopped at the end of a round.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
This update was actually ready a while ago, but it was just until now that I felt like compiling it. Enjoy.


Gameplay Changes
  • Koth timer now properly pauses during all air raids.
  • Timed air raids occur every 75 seconds instead of every 60.
  • New randomized parachute drop pickups.
  • Made some props non-solid.
  • Improved clipping.
  • Adjusted Health/Ammo
  • Slightly louder siren.

Detailing Fixes/Changes

  • Added slightly more team distinction between sides.
  • Made the stairs more detailed.
  • Made the prop staircase in spawn into brushwork to fit better.
  • Added missing trees from blue side.
  • Aligned some textures.
  • Adjusted lighting on gameplay signs.
  • Extended roof wood beams in places.
  • Fixed rocks clipping through ground.
  • Soundscape Adjustments.
  • Added a few more beer bottles and other little props.
  • Added some easter eggs.

  • Adjusted alot of prop fade distances.
  • Introduced some func_lods.
  • Adjusted skybox brushes.
  • Deleted alot of placeholder entities.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
Now I don't have to question why there were identical waterfalls and rivers on both sides (Updated pictures on the main page). This update also has general improvements, so that's always good. Note: I'm fairly confident in one or two more beta versions before going to release candidate.


New Asymmetrical Detailing!

Increased time of timed air raids.
Improved clipping.
Lowered volume of planes.
Adjusted prop fades.
Reduced time explosion particles persist.
Fixed transparency of areaportal windows.
Fixed floating bottles.
Fixed a nodraw.
Adjusted some lighting.
Fixed some inconsistencies in detailing.
Corrected the chimneys and smoke.
Added a few more little props.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
I had to fix the bomber plane animated propellers and went ahead and fixed some other small things. Also new menu photos that I forgot about.

  • Aligned some more textures.
  • Removed some skybox brushes that caused unintentional culling.
  • Adjusted skybox.
  • Readded bomber plane propeller spinning.
  • Added level menu photos.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
This is the version that will be submitted to the workshop. It's still beta though. The main gameplay change is limiting the air raids. Turns out, there was some funky logic that accidentally made them more frequent than anticipated.
Unfortunately, I couldn't fix more specific issues from the testing because the feedback system wasn't working.


  • Made the timed air raids much less frequent.
  • Put a cooldown on air raids after capture.
    • There won't be an air raid after capping if there was just one within 5 seconds.
  • Fixed menu photos.
  • Increased lightmap scale on broken building walls (less squares).
  • Fix a micro-nodraw.
  • Adjusted some props.
  • Adjusted some lighting.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
No, I didn't forget about this map, but here is a big update with a big list of changes. Next update is probably rc unless something goes horribly wrong.

Here are some updated pics;
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  • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong koth timer to start.
  • Fixed wonkiness associated with changing cap rate.
  • Another clipping pass.
  • Made sidebuilding health/ammo into mediums.
  • Slightly reduced timed air raid timer (85s to 80s).
  • Increased recap air raid trigger cooldown by 5 seconds.
  • Removed a small fence on side buildings.
  • Removed easy roof access to side buildings.
  • Removed roof debris of side buildings.

  • Editted explosion sound.
  • Slightly lower explosion sound.
  • Slightly more variance in direction.

  • A minor lighting rework (still experimenting).
  • Remade brushwork for destroyed roofs and walls.
  • Continued asymetrical out of bounds details for Red side.
  • Remade 3D skybox to align things better.
  • Added cracked plaster overlay to broken walls.
  • Remade Blu cliff out of bounds detailing.
  • Added some overhead wires.
  • Removed bunker door props in trench areas.
  • Removed motorcycle props.
  • Removed frontline skybox props.
  • Replaced shiny wood texture.
  • Fixed some displacement seams.
  • Fixed floating physics props.
  • Added entrance to bar.
  • Added some more little rock props.
  • More truce day cancelled posters.
  • Better texture alignments.
  • Other misc. detail changes.

  • Disable collisions on many props causing errors.
  • Fixed most offgrid geometry.
  • Fixed fade distances on some props.
  • Adjusted areaportals.
  • Removed occluders.
  • Optimized some displacements.

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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
Apparently, the trigger that changes your cap rate will cause the server to crash IF AND ONLY IF you die while inside it AND it gets disabled while you're in the death cam view. If you respawn, everything is good. It's only that 5 second window of being dead where the server will crash. We can't have nice things can we? Spend a huge amount of time troubleshooting for something so dumb.


  • Fixed server crash bug yadda yadda
  • Adjusted some prop fades
  • Adjusted some lightmap scales

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Catalyst 2

L1: Registered
Jul 31, 2018
Amazing map would most likely be viable for competitive without the cap airstrike, I realize that it gives the map a lot of personality but perhaps an alternate version can be made that removes it, I'm completely hammer illiterate so am unable to find out how to remove it myself, this is just my opinion if you would rather have the map remain as it is that is a respectable decision.